Friday, 5 October 2007

Energy is everything!

Energy, ... and time; the two things in life we have we have immeasurable quantities of when we are young, and which seem to diminish ever more rapidly as we age. Age, ... now there's another issue ! or Blog!

The word energy is often used as a euphemism for a feeling about someone, something, or somewhere that makes us feel different in a way that cannot be explained. We sense an atmosphere or quality, psychically or spiritually which we find difficult to put into accurate words. A warm, friendly and open personality will often be described as having 'a lovely energy', similarly, a place or room we enter that feels cold and unpleasant may be said to have a 'bad energy'. But what are we feeling?

If someone understands our way of thinking we sometimes refer to them as being on our 'wavelength', or that they 'give off good vibes'. What are we describing?

You are experiencing a heightened awareness. Your senses are picking up the vibration of the energy.

Everything starts from awareness (which shapes your thoughts), the act of being aware then generates energy, which:-

· Can be felt
· Can be changed before it affects the physical body
· Through our thoughts about our experience, creates our reality.

Energy follows thought, thought creates action, and scary though it might seem, everything that happens in your life, and within your body, starts within your own thought flow – your consciousness.

This is who you are, how you experience your ‘being’. Your experience of ‘being’ is energy which is not just in your brain, it is in every cell of your body. How you communicate with your body through your consciousness affects every organ and every tissue. Your state of consciousness affects your mental, emotional and physical health. Furthermore, it affects how you work, play, communicate and also your relationship with others.

Your thoughts determine how energised or motivated you approach life. Even more wonderful is that we are all doing this together. We are co-creating our reality. Right now!

What do we mean by energy? What does it feel like to be energised?
In addition to the revelations of Quantum Physics, energy is in a more general sense a metaphor for the many different fields of human interaction.

Ancient, eastern and modern sources refer to the existence of energies variously called Chi, Prana or Life Force. This force is associated not only with consciousness but with all living matter. The belief in this energy is the basis for ancient medicinal techniques such as acupuncture and energy healing such as Reiki, as well as popular exercise practices found in all forms of Yoga where you are taught to breathe the prana and Tai-Chi where you learn to be consciously aware of raising your chi .

Consciousness and the energetic qualities of a spiritual nature are often referred to as ‘subtle energy’. This is not perceived, or picked up, by the usual physical senses, but psychically. This type of energy is not necessarily easily experienced by everyone.

As you decide what to believe, what to accept or reject throughout life, some decisions leave you with residual stresses which affects your body. We already know that stress affects our health. The interesting issue is which stress affects which part of our body. (For example stress associated with type “A” behaviour patterns has been linked scientifically to heart disease.)

The way you are able to cope with stress, your mental attitudes and how your consciousness is communicated throughout the body will, needless to say, affect you in the moment, but also have a lasting affect on your future health.

Your choice in every given moment is whether you act on negative thought, or positive energy.

There is power in turning round negative statements and using them as affirmations, thus transmuting the negative thought into positive energy.

The power to manage how you experience life is in your hands. The same challenges that cause stress also demotivate, if you allow them to. Examples of negatives which can be turned around could be :

Being out of control è YOU are in charge of your life.
Aiming too high è Be realistic
Rigid routines è Be prepared to moderate
Not thinking through è Plan logistics in advance
Over commitment è Don’t make promises you cannot keep
Inertia! è The most damaging is NOT to be prepared to make the effort to change.

Many life-coaches and spiritual teachers will instruct you on how to write affirmations. Basically we are again transmuting negative thought into positive energy. Amazingly, by creating an affirmation about a previously held negative idea, and then repeating it as often as you can (aloud), your brain begins to hear only the positive outcome. Gradually the more you practice the procedure and believe it, the more you begin to create your own positive reality.

When we have lived our lives with certain -albeit negative values - personal change can often seem scary, and challenging.

And ... ofcourse, it takes time... and lots of energy!

Ask the angels to help you, here's one of my favourite quotations printed on the back of my calling card...

"Come to the edge", life said

"We are afraid", they said

"Come to the edge", life said

They came... it pushed them

and they flew.....

(Guillaume Appolinaire, 1870-1918)

Wishing you Angel Blessings,


Saturday, 1 September 2007

Back to Belfast

Where has the year gone? September already!
In less than two weeks I shall be back in Belfast seeing friends and giving talks and workshops arranged by Graham and his staff at the Solstice shops in Coleraine and Holywood. I am counting the days.
There is something very special about Ireland for me, perhaps its the friendliness and openness I experience there; or a connection to the Celtic spirituality ever present in those I meet. Talking about angels is easy in Ireland.
Last year during the six month Angel Workshop Facilitators Course I taught there I grew to know the lovely brother and sister team Ciaran and Geralyn well. The group of 12 women enjoyed a group dymension that enabled huge growth and the experience of some wonderful and amazing angelic visions and insights. I became close friends with Maggie and her family who now co-organise most of my workshops and almost all of the one-to-one sessions in the Belfast area, and I feel truly blessed that I have drawn these loving souls into my life.

Then I look back to March of this year, and a superb St Patrick's weekend with a difference at the Drumalis retreat centre in Larne. Twenty six of us, meditated with the angel energies, exercised, shared experiences of openness, gave and received angelic messages and healing, partied and parted with a determination that this should be a regular weekend angel residential.

In April I presented a larger workshop in Dublin, hosted by Mairead of the Angel shop in Dun Laoghaire, and again enjoyed a magical experience. This coming October as a guest speaker at the Awaken to the Divine Feminine Conference organised by Finbarr Ross I shall be flying to the Emerald Isle once again. With so many sites of mystical wonder I clearly have so much to learn there.

Taken from the beautiful Pocket Celtic Prayers compiled by Martin Wallace Here's an Irish Blessing to leave you with:

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rain fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you
In the hollow of his hand.

Love and Blessings

Tuesday, 27 February 2007


AngelLight is here to inspire your thoughts, nourish your being, warm your heart and ignite the spark of Angel within you. To remind you that you are never alone. There is always an Angel by your side.

Angels don't have to prove themselves......they just ARE!

Travelling around the UK for the last few years, Chrissie Astell has brought the message of angelic love and healing to thousands, and has taught successful courses on the many varied aspects of spirituality in today's world. She has written several books and recorded guided meditations with composers Llewelyn and Mark Hughes, as well as appearing on BBC's Kilroy "I believe in Angels", ITV's Christmas special "Angels are Everywhere", BBC's Everyman documentary on Angels and as a guest speaker on several local BBC chat shows.

Chrissie sees clients on a one-to-one basis offering Spiritual Development Facilitation helping people to find their way through the confusion of spiritual beliefs available, and is training others to become Angel Workshop facilitators