Friday, 19 December 2008

May your days be merry and bright!

Yuletide - Christ Mas - Call it what you will, it's that time again!

Personally, tired though I always seem to become at this time of year ( is it the pressure of deadlines, the purse strings, or the never-ending list of chores?... ) I actually do enjoy Christmastime. I love exchanging gifts, (I even enjoy choosing them) writing and posting all the cards, preparing the dinner... even the food shopping. What I don't enjoy is all the madness.

Traditionally, as we understand, this was a pagan festival to celebrate the end of the Winter - and darkness - and the coming in of the light. Light overcoming the dark. Then it was taken over by the Christian festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Bit of a shame really that not many of the people rushing round the super-market today would be thinking much about the reason for the season.

I overheard in Woolworth's sell off a man talking to a little girl of about five years old. "What do you want me to buy you for Christmas?" She was overawed and chose everything! Ouch, what about some of the innocent magic of surprise.

As I write this little blog I'm just wondering what I would change about the Christmas we have developed for our children and grandchildren - and without wishing to sound negative or bah-humbug myself, because I really do believe that we are all doing the best we can for our children, - I'm sad to think it seems a message heavily laden with greed, over-indulgence and expectation, and little to do with love, compassion and kindness, gratitude and sharing?

So as we reach the shortest day, and the season of darkness is overtaken by the light I ask how those of us working with the angels can also 'lighten up'. After all this joyous time is all about receiving, giving and sharing, in service ... isn't it?

I would love to see Christmas as a time for receiving. Receiving the message of Peace of the angels. I would love to see Christmas as a time for giving. Giving unconditionally, without expectation. I would love to see Christmas as a time for sharing. Sharing love, tolerance and patience.

So I'll try to bring a little light into my corner of Essex by holding the energy of Peace. I will give whole-heartedly without expectation of what I will get back, and I will share my love with tolerance and patience. Well, I will try my best. And I know you'll be doing the same wherever you are too!

I wish you a wonderful, peaceful and joy-filled Christmas wherever you are. May the angels fill your home with light and bring you endless love and laughter, and may the darkness be only the comforting kind.

With love and Yuletide Angel Blessings for Christmas!