Thought I'd like to thank so many of you for your loving wishes by posting a few of the photographs of my wedding last week ( 17th ) as I'm sure you'll enjoy sharing the joy we
felt on our happy day. The rain held off, our friends arrived
and the bells rang out.
as my son and I walked down the aisle friends described the
change in energy as love filled the church!
It was such a wonderful day. With cherished loved ones, family,
friends old and new ... and angels everywhere!
Introducing my husband Brian.
Introducing my husband Brian.
And below, a team photo of myself with colleagues and friends; Maggie and Stephen from Belfast - (who look after all my workshops and me ! in Northern Ireland), with Mairead ( Angel Shop, DunLaoghaire - and angel on hand in Dublin), and Richard (without whom the course and most of my materials - its manifestation and coordination - would not exist!) Love and thanks to them all for being there ... and for coming along to share our wedding day!