As I was walking with Daisy - our dog - today in thick snow, and thoroughly enjoying the brightness, the softness, absolute calm and the glorious light surrounding me, (even though so late in the afternoon), I couldn't help but reflect on the public frustration, desperation and inconvenience the weather seems to be causing ... yet again... as we are once more at the mercy of mother nature herself, though this time rather than drought or fires, gale-force winds, or deep floods we have been shrouded in a deep (and very beautiful) blanket of snow.
As I listened to my own muffled footsteps deep in the woods I smiled at the Narnia-like comparison made in an earlier email from a friend, and as the hungry deer quickly ran ahead of me there was an echo of cracking brittle branches.
I re-connected to the vivid memories of early years and remembered back to my love of the woods then, the games of childhood imagination and the immeasurable pleasure gained from the freedom I was given, how fortunate I was to be allowed to simply explore and play in my outdoor surroundings.
I also remember vividly the heavy snow of 1963 which the weathermen compare this cold spell to. The snow then seemed to me as a child to last all Winter... enabling us to create grand slides right across the school playground squealing with delight. There were no prohibitions at the thought of us falling and getting hurt. We were children doing what children do! Now I see that thousands of schools have closed during these low temperatures and I'm warned not to go out unless I must.
And so on the advice of the 'elves of safety' I cancelled my new year Spiritual Development classes and suggested that we all spend the evening instead reflecting on our own how we might make a difference during the next oncoming year. What aspects of our 'little' self might we take a closer look at. What, if anything, might we like to obvserve more closely and perhaps try to change, in order to connect more strongly to the greater good? ( Have you noticed how few magazine articles or t.v. programmes have taken a close look at New Year Resolutions this year?... or maybe I've been watching snowflakes and simply not noticed!)
Maybe it is my own frustration, my own impatience... my own sense of restriction and inconvenience I need to look at more closely.... as well as the patterns of falling ice.
My wonderful walks in the snow have given me time, silence and 'light' to take a good long look at how 'ice-elated' I feel without the stimulation and warmth of other like-minded spiritual friends. Some of us love solitude... others fare better in groups. Aha, so that's why I chose to be born a sheep ... my Aries nature loves the flock!!
Last time I was unable to take the class I asked everyone to write a poem about how the group had influenced their spiritual growth.
Here, with her permission, are the thoughts of one of our Thursday group to share with you :
Our Lotus Flower by June
When we first met some time ago
and told why we were here
not knowing one another yet
we said what we held dear.
We all expressed our deep true thoughts
our wish list for this time
we knew no-one was being judged
and all of us like minds.
How wonderful each time we met
love & friendship there to see,
the bond we have, our loving 'pod'
was always given free.
Spiritually we sure have grown
combined with our self-healing.
We meditate, express our views
our visions and our feelings.
Our search to find our Angels who
show unconditional love,
our God, his Ascended Masters
who care for us above.
I feel blessed that I was a petal
inside our Lotus Flower.
Dear friends, Your Love I will keep hold
forever... and ... forever.
May you find warmth and comfort, delight and beauty wherever you look,
With lots of love,