Saturday, 20 March 2010

Spring Clean!

Here we are in March already.
Spring has sprung!

A time of birth and a time for new growth. The vernal equinox.... and an open invitation from the Universe for transparency, openness, and movement. It's a time to clear out the cobwebs, shake off the dust of the Winter months, clear away what is no longer required, and start a fresh!

Can we do the same in our personal and spiritual life?

It is so easy to get warm and comfy with what we know isn't it? To stay put. So many things have become habitual... the way we do things, (the way we like to do things our way!), our routine, our rituals. How many people do you know who proudly announce "this is how I am.... people take me as they find me..... I'm not likely to change now" ... not necessarily in these words, but in their actions and their attitudes. Can be frustrating can't it?

Yet in nature everything changes, constantly. Everything under the sun exchanges energy, flows, moves, grows, expands, contracts, changes. Situations change, circumstances, families, surroundings, seasons, weather..... everything changes. Our body changes. So why do some people think that they don't need to make personality changes?

Recently I have been reading and listening to two very different author/teachers. The first, John Kehoe, talks about a system he has developed over thirty years. His is motivational, inspirational and meaningful..... and his teaching definitely works if one is prepared to work very hard and change some deep rooted habits.
It is a system called Mind Powers, and it distinguishes between the will and the mind. In my usual cramming fashion I decided to bend the rules a little ( could that be an old habit of mine?) and listen to his course all at once to use my travelling time on a recent visit to the north of England. At the end of his series of 8 CDs (which took me from one end of the country to the other and back) I came to the glorious conclusion that his teachings are most certainly 'spiritual' even though he chooses his words carefully from a secular vocabulary. I delighted in his exercises and resolved to put his teachings into practice, properly.... as soon as I have the time.

The book I have been reviewing called 'Beyond Limitations, the power of conscious co-creation' by Stuart Wilson & Joanna Prentis gives an instructive account of what they call personal reality creation channelled from an angelic being called Alariel. It is beautiful, immensely powerful............ and gives the same advice. Change the way you think, and then put it into practice!!

Now of course we've all heard the adage 'when the pupil is ready the teacher appears' and so I ask myself why these both arrived on my doorstep at the same time... Springtime... confirming all the ideas I already know ( I think I know) and spiritual teachings and materials I have already incorporated into my Educating Heart & Soul course ... ( ahem, written for others to do!) and I ask myself what it is then that I badly need to recognise?...... and how can I change.

One of the lovely lasses from my Thursday group prompted me to share this with you:

It's all in the state of mind.
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win but you think you can't,
it's almost certain that you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you've lost.
For out there in the world you find
'nothing succeeds like success'
it's all in a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.

Aha that's it... it's all in the way I think too much!...Maybe I should change my mind.......or put what I know into better use?

Has anyone got a perfect, unspoilt, totally obedient, carefully nourished, well trained mind they'd care to swap for a well loved, but slightly over-used model in need of some re-education?

Lots of love and Springtime blessings
