Hello Friends,
Somewhere along the way I seem to have missed a month! Where did July go? Isn't it shocking to think that a whole month can be so busy that when you try to remember where it went or what happened it literally takes immense concentration to recall! Oh dear, am I becoming a senior already? Having too many hi-lights? Or maybe I've lived in Essex too long ? (Only joking... it's actually all three)
I remember coming home from the Essene retreat feeling wonderful . We enjoyed so much 'peace' and friendship that it was, as always, difficult to drag myself away. As one of the organisers I take on some of the responsibility of running the programme and therefore it isn't all rest and relaxation for me. But, the love and acceptance and absolute pleasure of being there among my Essene family certainly makes up for any lack of sleep!
Thank goodness I have the bliss of the Crete retreat next month to look forward to now. But that's about the past and then the future. The gift, as they say, is in the present.
Being in the moment is experiencing and being with the moment. Taking pleasure in fully living. Not missing any of the joy as we rush through life. I do take stock and reflect how each moment gifts me with pleasures of ever changing varieties.
The pleasures of Summer have changed for me recently. In the city I enjoyed flowers in my garden and parks. Now I enjoy flowers in my garden and country walks, but now I have grandchildren to share the names of the flowers with, and to creep along to the woods while we pick up fallen feathers from the angels, find faces on the trees and search for bears, as well as pull sticks with the dog... I do enjoy the moments, and I regularly count my blessings.
As I push ahead with my new book draft, in time to meet my deadline, which looms closer and closer... and makes me steadily busier and busier I confess it's increasingly more difficult to fit in the things that give me the most pleasure in life; like communing each day with the nature spirits, feeling the crunching of spiky cut wheat under my feet as I daringly take a shortcut cross the newly harvested fields, my morning meditation, my visits to elderly parents and tiny grandchildren, dead-heading the geraniums and picking the tomatoes. In fact the simple things that re-connect us with God and the angels ... but I do make time. And I'm glad.
I have often been accused of dashing through life, always being too busy. But I'm an Aries.... come on?! I'm not slowing down, just finally, at long last prioritising! Oh, ok, and perhaps feeling a little more tired ~ on occasion!
And so, because this is a shortened blog this month, I thought I'd share a little quip with you, to make you think and hopefully to make you smile:
"As we rush about in the business of life and others get in our way.... when we feel like criticizing our brothers and sisters, or indeed we think they are from a different planet, perhaps ...... we could remember that actually we are all from the same mould. It's just that some of us are a little bit mouldier than others !!
Enjoy your Summer,
Love, and blessings in abundance,