I arrived into Belfast on the 5th November, and not a firework or bonfire in sight! Apparently it's very English, and only on this side of the water, to build bonfires, buy fireworks and celebrate Guy Fawkes ( doh, of course it is!!)... but then to continue with endless evenings of flashes and bangs late into the night! Ofcourse here in the UK we also have excuse of the celebration of the Indian Hindu festival of Divali, and it may also tie into the Sikh festival too, of Guru Nanak's birthday... and so fireworks may or may not be flashing right through the month of November, depending where you live on our multi-faith and multi-cultural island. So this year I missed it, and far more peaceful it was too!
Instead I enjoyed ten glorious days of travelling throughout north and south Ireland, and fulfilling the part of my life that gives me so much satisfaction.... meeting and greeting, sharing and talking, healing and teaching with lots and lots of wonderful people.
Ireland has a spirituality all of its own. A mystical magical way of being, that welcomes you onto its land and embraces you in its glorious natural colours, whispers through the Hawthorn trees, and stares out at you from historical ruins. It's in the tilt of musicality in the accent, the humour, the hospitality. And, steeped in the Celtic traditions of its true religion is the depth and nurturing richness of the very peat itself. I love it!
With every 'tour' of workshops seems to come a theme. Not intentionally, but nevertheless a strong train of thought that takes over and becomes the main message... whatever I might have decided beforehand, on a merely mortal level. This time the theme was peace.
Everywhere I taught in Ireland this time I found myself taking about inner peace and the need to centre oneself into ones own truth. To become confident and comfortable with the knowledge that no matter what... if we stand in our truth, with no desire to convince the other that your own truth is better than their's; if we can release the desire to rob anyone else of their own feelings, or their truth we release the ego from its power struggle, and its soul destroying stronghold.
To be able to give someone else the permission to be in their truth, and to hold on to yours without making either of you 'wrong' is a great gift. To step back from the argument, and decide that you are 'ok' knowing that both of you are actually 'right' and no-one needs to be 'wrong' and then to agree to differ with a smile... is empowering to both sides, to say the least.
With us right now is a beautiful full moon. This is a perfect opportunity to let go of anything we feel is holding us back in any way. Archangel Gabriel, the guardian of the moon is the energy to call upon to organise your thoughts. Ask for help in recognising and releasing anything negative, or a habit or addiction, or excess weight, and visualise it becoming less a little more each day as the moon wanes... This leaves you with a renewed freedom and strength, ready to build up a fabulous positive new energy with the new moon in a couple of weeks.
I'm going to ask Gabriel to help me to release aspects of my own nature that prevent me from experienceing true inner peace, a little bit at a time with the waning moon. Then on the first day of the new moon I can start to build on the positive energy of inner calm .... just in time for the run up to Christmas!
We cannot find world peace until we have found inner peace..... and each time I find myself developing a new theme for my talks I remind myself that, certainly in my own case, "the teacher usually teaches what the teacher needs to learn" !!
Lots of Love,