Monday, 30 April 2012

So, just what is 'karma' to you and me?

Having experienced many challenges (haven't most of us?) during my current lifetime, as a younger person I would question what kind of life I must have led in the past to be going through so much angst in this one! It has been only during the last twenty years that the understanding of 'co-creating' your reality has begun to really sink in. Even now I sometimes step back and reflect on whether I truly understand the process of karma... the idea that perhaps lessons or patterns from one life time can be brought into another. I certainly notice 'instant karma' happening all around me in this life time. Actions of kindness or otherwise coming bouncing back. The concept of actually creating our on-going life experiences and the phrases: 'do as you would be done by' and  'you reap what you sow' actually begin to make sense. I believe only as we waken to our full conscious self, becoming more spiritually mature, can we put the understanding into practice. And that can be at any age not just old age!

Why is it that some people just don't get it? Our thoughts and our words, our actions (however good or bad) effect other people. We even use the terminology in our language, 'what goes around comes around". Like boomerangs... they return to us and if they don't hit us on the head may whistle closely by our ears and make us jump! We know this. It can hurt.

For a long time I have been teaching the idea that 'energy follows thought'. The understanding of how potent our thoughts are, that just as we create positive experiences and happy times when we give positive energy to our day to day activities, our negative thoughts, expressions and actions do exactly the same.
When arguments are going on around us, or if we become involved too, we do not have to be psychic to feel positive or negative 'vibes' from people, it is in the air! Just as our blessings, our love, compassion and positive energy is also picked up by others too. None of us are perfect (and goodness knows I certainly have a long way to go!) but as soon as we become aware that we are judging unfairly, using negative or derogatory language, or acting in an unjust manner to someone.... let's make a determined effort to stop.

The archangel Zadkiel, and the Ascended Master Saint Germaine have given us one of the most powerful tools for transforming negative thought into positive energy: The Violet Flame. By imagining a beautiful violet light, or flame, surrounding us with healing transformative energy and then really allowing ourselves to let go of our negative thoughts, we can move into a much more positive frame of mind. Often we also feel much lighter and the negative situation we found ourselves in becomes easier and clearer to resolve.Particularly if we are also able to transcend the negative behaviour patterns and accept the situation/challenge as a gift, a catalyst offering us the chance to change.

When I had my own 'epiphany' and started running workshops to teach others how to connect with their angels I was so very happy that I sent loving thoughts to everyone I passed by in the street. I would travel on London's underground silently sending love to everyone in the carriage, then throughout the whole train, then on each platform as I travelled through town. The more I sent loving blessings to everyone, the happier I felt. That was a long time ago, and I no longer travel on the underground very often. But I do have to sit in traffic jams on motorways, and sometimes I like to do the same exercise through the line of waiting cars.

I have just recently had a birthday, and a good friend bought me a book I have been waiting to read. The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre Pradervand. I've been re-visiting the art of blessing others as part of my  daily spiritual practice and even while I sit doing my work. I have to admit it has given me a huge surge of renewed positive energy!

All the great teachers throughout our world religions have taught us to bless our enemies, to offer loving kindness and compassion even to those who may wish us harm. Our loving thoughts are a thousand times more powerful. By blessing and wishing others well we all have the opportunity to raise our vibration, to heal situations, challenging behaviour and our health. Let's get blessing... if nothing else it's going to create good karma!

My love and blessings in abundance to everyone,