What an amazing Summer it has been! From the Queen’s Jubilee (then our Essene Summer gathering) to the Olympics, and then the Para-olympics we have been drawn together in a continued celebration of some of the best in ‘human-ness’. I was delighted to see that all the plans, preparation, and organization which was clearly evident, came to such glorious fruition, and didn’t we do well winning so many medals too? I have felt enormously proud to be part of it, even as an observer and supporter. Our Olympians were reporting that these were the best games ever! Certainly they were evidently the best para-olympics so far.
Brian and I were unable to buy tickets for the Olympics but we were there to watch the para-olympics during the second week. I could sense (on many levels: visually, emotionally, empathically and spiritually) the effort put in by those great athletes, the strength and determination, the ability and power, the team spirit and camaraderie, the pleasure of winning and the pain of losing. I found myself moved to tears in sheer admiration as people with no sight engaged in ‘shot put’, amputees beat world records racing round the track on prosthetics and in wheelchairs, and I think possibly the deepest, soul-inspiring impression of all, was the passion I experienced from the support within the crowd. There were 80.000 people in a full stadium the morning I was there, (I have no idea how many were filling the other venues at the same time) and the stadium filled three times every day. Millions and millions of people cheering, shouting and willing the athletes on to succeed during the events, again at the finish, and again as the medals were received. It was quite wonderful to watch on the television, but almost overwhelming to witness first hand!

On a different topic I’d like to tell you about the Transformational Conference in London recently which I was fortunate to attend,(along with Eric and Mark) albeit for one day only. Organized by Dolores Canon, and her team from Ozark publishing we were presented with many enlightening and inspiring talks. For me one of the high-lights was Arun Ghandi, the grandson of Mahatma Ghandi, who spoke about his life as a boy staying with his grandparents in India. He then went on to describe some of his work in setting up a charity for the Educational welfare of small street-children in the cities of India. I was very inspired by his dedication to serve humanity in this way.
I also spent just a few insightful moments with a stranger I was clearly destined to meet. We joined at a table during the lunch break. She was clearly distressed and for a while I gave her the space to express her despair caused by her reaction to a speaker who had expounded the virtues of the good and honest Palestinian people and their plight. My lunch companion was dismayed by his unfairness. This lady, had sons who had been conscripted by the Israeli army. She had been afraid for her son. Now her grandsons were to be conscripted as they approached twenty one. I’m a mother of a son who wanted to join the Royal Marines, now also a grandmother of grandsons too.I felt for her.
This lady’s pain, and anger with the speaker was because there are ‘good and honest’ people living in Israel too who are not represented by the decisions of the politicians, but who are not heard. They too long for peace with all their heart.
It made me realize that when we give our support wholeheartedly, but to one side of any given situation that is not our own, with the best will in the world we can only ever understand it as an outsider. As peace-keepers or peace-makers surely we serve best when we listen carefully, respecting all arguments as valid, take into account all people, all sides and all feelings objectively, to try and see the bigger picture, consciously... and with love.
Is your service as a peace maker complete? You know what they say? Are you alive? Then it’s not finished yet!
Shalom, peace and love to everyone,