Monday, 5 January 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

Yes Happy New Year!

Even with the news as it is; war, turmoil, devastation and destruction of the human world in which we continue to kill, wound, torment, tear apart and compete for power... and it sometimes feels painfully as if many of us can do nothing but watch.
It is the opportunity of change that brings a happy new year because the idea that we can do nothing is simply not true! The weakest of us can change once we believe we are able to, we can all do something to improve a small corner of our own world.

Do you know the story of the humming bird? I heard it at a Peace conference, years ago, and it stayed with me. Let me share it with you:
There was a forest fire, and all the animals, smelling the smoke, began to flee for their lives. Panic ensued as tigers, foxes, monkeys all ran to save their lives from the flames.
As one monkey swung through the trees he spotted a tiny bird hovering among the branches filling his beak with nectar from a flower. "Come on, come on, the fire is coming and you'll burn alive if you don't run too!" Shouted the monkey. But, the little bird filled his tiny beak, flew to the edge of the flames, dropped the nectar and flew back to the flower to fill his beak again. The monkey stopped for a moment to watch as the humming bird repeated the process again. "Come on, come on bird, what are you doing?"
"I can't run away", said the tiny humming bird, "I'm just doing my bit".

Some of us are politically motivated and write letters to parliament. Some may simply 'sound off' hot air to the newspapers or to friends.
From a spiritual perspective, if we profess to believing in angels and the notion of a universal connection between us all, then surely whatever we do at a state level we do to one another at a soul level. As some countries determine to overpower and destroy one another, and the planet at the same time, we are surely damaging life itself.
We have a paradox here ... as on the one hand we are profoundly aware of the darkening fear and lack of love in the world at a political and international level and yet, on the other, we are pursuing the ideas expressed in books and films like 'The Secret' busily teaching ourselves how to co-create financial and material abundance. Great ideas that stimulate the realization of the power of the human mind, particular as a force of co-creation with the Universe itself... but primarily ideas for co-creating at a personal level for our personal dreams and ambitions to materialize. Not that there is anything wrong with financial and personal security, freedom and happiness. We are born to manifest joy!

My suggestion is this: How about we each individually put as much effort into co-creating a peaceful and joyful existence for us all to benefit from the power of manifestation - at a global level?

Thank heavens that there are some who, by connecting to the high level of service to humanity that they carry deep within their heart, they work around the clock. Some work through in prayer, meditation and mediation to bring about a change. To anchor whatever the Light is. Others strive to heal the wounded planet by working at environmental issues. Some to save our rapidly dying animal species from slaughter. Thousands go to work in medicine and education, enlightening and empowering others. And again thank heavens we have millions of people who are genuinely loving and generous of spirit who, seemingly without even a sprinkling of knowledge of how much good they do, go about their daily business treating others gently, or as 'salt of the earth' types - no nonsense but fair and honest in their dealings. Every one in their way 'doing their bit' for society, the best way, naturally.

I'm off now to do my bit.......... think I'll feed the birds!

With Love,
Have a wonderful - if challenging - 2009. May it bring to your part of the world you love, abundant health and peace.

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