Monday, 16 November 2009

Angels are Everywhere

Hello friends,

Last week I was called by a live phone-in radio station in Belfast, U105. They had a controversial topic inspired by a recent letter to a newspaper from a Catholic priest who felt indignation and anger towards the 'new' craze in angel cards.

The radio felt they would like a couple of voices 'for' as a balance amongst those who called in agreeing with the priest that these cards took the eyes of believers off the ball. His argument being that Christians could be distracted, he sited a few of the messages from the angel cards of a well known American author whose books and cards are very popular. One of the cards made the suggestion that the reader should take up yoga, which the priest found highly offensive. He suggested that these cards in particular took Christians away from the very aspects of faith he believed to be the requirements of a Godly connection, such as confession, communion and prayer. I think he should give people a little more credit.

The speaker before me on the radio phone-in, in defense of an angel card reader had a wonderful story of the clear messages from loved one's that a medium can give.... and although this lady, an obviously gifted psychic had been known as a 'reader', as anyone who knows my work will be aware, is not the kind of 'angel card reading' you would get from me. I'm not a psychic medium and as much as I would love to, I cannot give messages from beyond the grave.

So, ... much to the disappointment of the interviewer, when my turn came he could not argue with my methods. As I, in part, agreed with him that very often when people search for answers they may be very vulnerable. But then we were not talking about corrupting true believers of any faith, but that many spiritual believers know there are many paths to the top of the mountain. To God.

The priest may have to accept that so many people all over the world have lost the desire to belong to a traditional organised form of religion. They have grown disillusionned with the rules of their particular group. They have moved into what is now known as -post secular society. A place where it is no longer necessary to take sides. A society where you can hold lightly the notion the Darwinian approach to life and at the same time have a faith in God as creator. You can believe that angels are surrounding you with caring healing energy. That with the blessing of Christ you can ask the angels to help. It is ok to stand alone in your personal connection with Him, and His angels and be an individual.

When I wrote the Angel Insights, and my other books, I was living in east London. A city of multi-faith and multi-ethnicity. It was the cross section of beliefs and cultures that inspired me to go to university and study for myself the golden chord linking the origins and ideas of many different world religions. I didn't want to cause offence to any of my workshop participants by being ignorant of their particular cultural belief.

In my four years of university study I found to my delight that almost all cultures have 'angels'. Whether Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Seikh, Christian or Muslim, angels are truly non-denominational and appear in all guises, all shapes and sizes. The holy scriptures to which the priest referred give hundreds of accounts of the highly developed intelligent and spiritual beings bringing messages from God, healing, fighting for righteousness... and in fact appearing whenever or wherever anything of importance occurs. There is nothing new about it.

And, just as one example of this 'new craze' if you visit the British Museum you will find carvings and depictions of 'angels' and guardian spirits from Mesopotamia dating back thousands of years (BC). Hardly modern after all !

As an author I spent two and a half years writing the Angel Insight cards because I was meditating on, visualizing, communing and praying for divine guidance whilst also researching spiritual symbols and colours for the artist.

The sole intention of these cards is for encouraging personal spiritual growth of the individual, the seeker. Not, to take the eye off the ball of Christ's teaching to love one another, but for all individuals to grow closer to the nature of compassion and love through understanding their own soul purpose, their own connection.

They are indeed also for anyone who has lost their way or doesn't want to go down the dogmatic route, for what ever reason. Working with angels, and angel cards can be a gentle, encouraging and empowering way to find one's way back to the Light.

The radio presenter was at a loss to find anything to criticise throughout our discussion, but as a final fling told me that I was 'at risk of potentially making millions' from the sale of my cards. Perhaps he and I should exchange roles for a while !!

Love to you all,


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