This is a photo taken of the beauty of the rain, from outside on the ground floor balcony... shared with those of you who are interested in orbs.
Two quotations I would like to share with you from the guide who took us on a trip to Paradise Island... " Until the power of love takes over the love of power no politician will ever make a government work"
Hello Everyone,
As many of you know I have just returned from the Dominican Republic where we spent just over two weeks enjoying the tropical weather ( yep although it was deliciously warm and gave us a welcome escape from the sleet and snow it also rained a lot!!). We made some lovely new friends, soaked up the atmosphere and did lots of reading.
My husband booked this for us as a delayed honeymoon and being in February meant that we could include the Valentine's day celebrations.
The synchronicity of booking this trip on the eve of the devastating earthquake in Haiti (the other side of the same island) meant that I felt compelled to do something to help, on a spiritual level.
Having written to many of my friends and contacts (and some of you may be reading this now) asking for help in the form of love and healing to be sent with spiritual Light to me, as I meditated and grounded the healing energy in person on the island, I thought it important to give you my heartfelt gratitude and a little feedback.
I communed with the angels each morning at 8 ( midday UK time - as arranged) then, each day at my midday (Dominican time) I did a walking meditation across the beach or sat and anchored the energy through my body into the sand. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings to coincide with the groups who had agreed to sit in meditation and send their love and light I tuned in during the late afternoon from the beach.
The beach at the northern resort was crescent shaped, and from where I sat it was easy to face west and visualise Haiti just over the mountain range before me. The sand was of the soft fine shingle variety and my feet actually sank into it as I walked each day along the edge of the sea. It was so easy, in the sunlight, to visualise the light entering my crown and down through me into the sand below my feet. As I walked slowly round the bay towards the Haitian end of the beach I called upon God, the Christ energy and archangels Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael and the angels of healing to use the energy I offered up, coming from so many.
I visualised the pictures on the Angel Insight cards of the angels of Healing, and Compassion and through the gentle waves washed these spiritual qualities outwards and round the peninsular to the sick and distraught on the other side of the island.
In the early evenings, as my husband showered for dinner, I went outside onto our ground floor balcony and asked for the release and peaceful transition of the many souls who were caught in the earthquake and who may be held by their fear and despair. I called upon archangel Raphael the angel of consecration to make sacred the enormous burial sites in Haiti. And on the 14th February it was never easier to open my heart and send all the love I could to wherever it was needed most.
Some people took spare toiletries, clothes and we were asked to leave them behind for the tour operator representatives to take across the border. I was a little shocked that no-one really mentioned Haiti at all other than that one request.
My efforts were supported by hundreds of people. My Educating Heart & Soul group, here in Essex, had a wonderful meditation where they visualised me walking on the beach and sent me all their love and Reiki Healing to be passed on. The Essene family I belong to also did the same, as did many others.
Thank you SO much. I'm certain that together, our heartfelt intention and focus, we have in some small way helped to raise the vibrational energy there.
Two quotations I would like to share with you from the guide who took us on a trip to Paradise Island... " Until the power of love takes over the love of power no politician will ever make a government work"
"Three things that will get rid of depression ~ smiling at the sun, black chocolate, and kindness!" ... Throw away your prozac!
I'll leave you with that,
All my love and angel blessings
1 comment:
I am at present going over all my angel notes and books trying to reconnect and I found that I hadn't sent in the last forms for your correspondace course silly me but I have been ill since Christmas. I am happy that you had a good holiday. It was very sad that all those people lost there lives and I prayed for them I am sure the angels would and did help them like they did the baby my daughter lost last year. She is now due to give birth to another in June. There is a reason for all this we just don't know why.
Love and Light
Elizabeth Russell
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