Well here we are on the brink of the most talked about year since we tipped into the new millennium.
During 2011 we have had dynamic discussions, scary suppositions, pie-in-the-sky predictions, an assortment of assumptions and dreary deductions. We've heard Mayan mathematical mumblings, archangel channellings, and mystical imaginings. Yet, in reality (that's in my own illusion of reality you understand) no-one can accurately predict what is about to happen in 2012, except for the items currently in the news and that happens to be in the mundane, material and far from mystical world of the media, and of course the Olympics!
One thing I do know however, is that in my world, my illusional reality, everything has speeded up. I feel a sense of urgency, a slightly uneasy quickening. My life has moved into an even faster pace and I'm not sure whether I find it exciting or daunting - if I'm being truly honest!
I feel there is truth in the suggestion that 2012 (particularly 21/12/2012) completes a grid- a mathematical grid - which enables our entire planetary system and all it's sentient inhabitants to raise consciousness, and yet I see such polarity in our humanity that I struggle to maintain a sense of inner peace and joy. I'm not miserable, don't misunderstand me, I haven't lost my sense of humour and my heart is filled with compassion and the unquenchable desire to learn, serve and co-create a paradise (possibly lost, possibly not yet found) here on Earth. As I write this and the gorgeous pink and purple sunset appears through my office window on the very last eve of the year, I not only feel connected to what I call both worlds ( that of the Earthly Mother and the planet and also of the Divine and the angelic realms)... I am inspired to look closer at the ways I can move forward and really step up to the mark. I am urged to make a difference, and that must start with me!
Rather than fill my head with New Year resolutions (which I may or may not be able to keep) e.g. trying to be tidier, more organised, keep to the diary, lose a little weight, join a fitness regime, eat less chocolate, drink less alcohol and coffee, and so on... I think I'm going to make a real attempt to work harder on really letting go of painful memories, of trulyforgiving those who wound me, and practice with more complete awarenessthose aspects of spirituality I am teaching others.
Helping others is a wonderful gift, especially when it is how one makes a living. How much more effective we would all be if we realized and fully understood in our humanness the implications of what we have 'signed up' for, at a soul level. In my case I often laugh with my closest associates that 'the teacher teaches what the teacher needs to learn'.
We have 23 days until the new moon. Those who work with the moon energies understand that the waning moon is the best and most effective time to 'let go' of issues, doubts and bad habits. Those who work with angels know that Gabriel is the angel of the moon. Let's call in Gabriel, Archangel of communication, peace, joy, co-creation and new beginnings ... to help us with our shadows... to help us to let go over the next three weeks, so that the strength and resolve we need to really make the difference we long to see in the world will begin to happen with each of us individually by the New Moon at the 23rd of January.
As the sun goes down on the end of another year, and as the moon wanes and takes with her the 'old'... what will you let go of?
How will you step up to the mark for 2012? You and I might not be Olympians, but let's be champions anyway!
I wish you everything you wish for yourself in the coming New Year. May the vibration of 2012 enable wise and compassionate choices in your life, may you feel, give and receive all the love your heart will hold, and may you be a leading light in whatever Divine plan is about to unfold.
With all my love,
Happy New Year!
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Up to Speed

So much happened last month that my feet hardly touched the ground!
The most memorable has to be the Glastonbury 11-11-11 retreat, where 33 of us joined for an event which was A-maz-ing!
Having created a sacred space on land where there is an energy portal we ceremoniously let go and detached from unhelpful patterns to welcome and create space in our energy bodies for a higher vibration; we followed the Michael & Mary ley lines to the intersection where everyone in the group spontaneously stood in a circle and chanted 'Aums' which echoed and reverberated all around Glastonbury Abbey ruins; we held a beautiful candle lighting ceremony to the angels of Peace, Joy, Love, Service and Power; followed by a silent meal by candle light where we all wore white. If that wasn't enough we had a wonderful past life meditation ( in which I saw myself swimming with whales) and as a group transformed and lifted our conscious awareness to a higher level, assisted and guided by a whole team of angelic beings (photographed as orbs of different sizes all around the room).
One of the ceremonies we performed on the gardens at the Abbey House called in the Archangels Metatron, Sandolphon, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel & Uriel and the elements of air, water, fire, earth and ether. We called for the elementals of the land and trees, and blessings of the Earthly Mother & Heavenly Father as we connected bodily in a symbolic gesture stretching our arms outwards as we connected with the constellations and the stations or sefiroth of the Kabbala. Just as we finished our ceremony with Peter saying the Lord's prayer in Aramaic we had magically synchronised with the ringing of the church bells and sound of The Last Post playing in the Market Square. It was an incredibly moving experience... settled only by a mass of hugs! What a weekend to remember.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Do you hear the Call? 11-11-11
Warm Greetings to Everyone,
Can you feel the buzz, the excitement, the sense of urgency? People all over the world are feeling a stir in their heart. It's is amazing how a few numbers stirs such a reaction. Why are we more excited about this particular year than any other, even a remembrance day some may ask? The answer is that we are being called to move from our small selves into our true Divine self.
The number 11 in Pythagorean numerology denotes mastery of the primary number One, which represents the 'Will of God'. When there are three of anything, there is an emphasis which becomes deeply spiritual in nature. Whether it is people - as in prayer triangles (representing the Holy Trinity), numbers, letters, sounds, prayers or chants everything repeated three times creates a mystical quality, even magical. Imagine the power being created energetically by repeating the Master number 11 three times on one day! Even if you don't buy into the numerology itself the excitement being passed on from person to person is creating a wave of energy which builds the enthusiasm within us to open our hearts and minds to endless possibilities of change and transformation.
We are urgently being called. By the angelic realms, by the Masters, by Universal and Cosmic energies that many do not yet understand, to raise our vibration. Not only our personal vibration but that of the whole of humanity. We are being called to change, to step up to the mark, to make a difference, to become the true Beings of Love and Light we really are.
There are some beautiful channelled writings, in particularly from Patricia Cota-Robles (www.eraofpeace.org) which many of you will have already seen, (and if not do take a look at her web site) and I don't intend to add or duplicate these. In brief they describe the grid which runs across the Earth, rather like the meridians in acupuncture, and as many organizations and groups gather in prayer and meditation on this special day we have the opportunity to create centres of concentrated energy, portals which will open, anchoring the Light all over our planet.
Even if you are unable to join a group physically because of other work or family commitments I would like to invite everyone to stop for a while, if not at at 11 am then some point on the 11th, tomorrow, whatever you are doing.
You do not have to take part in a group ceremony to make a difference. Breathe deeply, tune in to your inner calm self, and whether you feel the connection with the Universe, or God, or nature, the angels, the elements or not - just breathe love into your heart. As you breathe love in and out through your heart perhaps you feel a sense of readiness to offer your self in service to humanity, to God, to the greater good. Hold that thought for a few minutes, however long you like maybe even eleven?
None of us is too small or insignificant to make a difference. By doing so you will be part of something so great it cannot possibly be measured in human terms.
Together let's create a loving desire to co-create a harmonious and peaceful world.
My love and blessings in abundance,
Chrissie xx
Can you feel the buzz, the excitement, the sense of urgency? People all over the world are feeling a stir in their heart. It's is amazing how a few numbers stirs such a reaction. Why are we more excited about this particular year than any other, even a remembrance day some may ask? The answer is that we are being called to move from our small selves into our true Divine self.
The number 11 in Pythagorean numerology denotes mastery of the primary number One, which represents the 'Will of God'. When there are three of anything, there is an emphasis which becomes deeply spiritual in nature. Whether it is people - as in prayer triangles (representing the Holy Trinity), numbers, letters, sounds, prayers or chants everything repeated three times creates a mystical quality, even magical. Imagine the power being created energetically by repeating the Master number 11 three times on one day! Even if you don't buy into the numerology itself the excitement being passed on from person to person is creating a wave of energy which builds the enthusiasm within us to open our hearts and minds to endless possibilities of change and transformation.
We are urgently being called. By the angelic realms, by the Masters, by Universal and Cosmic energies that many do not yet understand, to raise our vibration. Not only our personal vibration but that of the whole of humanity. We are being called to change, to step up to the mark, to make a difference, to become the true Beings of Love and Light we really are.
There are some beautiful channelled writings, in particularly from Patricia Cota-Robles (www.eraofpeace.org) which many of you will have already seen, (and if not do take a look at her web site) and I don't intend to add or duplicate these. In brief they describe the grid which runs across the Earth, rather like the meridians in acupuncture, and as many organizations and groups gather in prayer and meditation on this special day we have the opportunity to create centres of concentrated energy, portals which will open, anchoring the Light all over our planet.
Even if you are unable to join a group physically because of other work or family commitments I would like to invite everyone to stop for a while, if not at at 11 am then some point on the 11th, tomorrow, whatever you are doing.
You do not have to take part in a group ceremony to make a difference. Breathe deeply, tune in to your inner calm self, and whether you feel the connection with the Universe, or God, or nature, the angels, the elements or not - just breathe love into your heart. As you breathe love in and out through your heart perhaps you feel a sense of readiness to offer your self in service to humanity, to God, to the greater good. Hold that thought for a few minutes, however long you like maybe even eleven?
None of us is too small or insignificant to make a difference. By doing so you will be part of something so great it cannot possibly be measured in human terms.
Together let's create a loving desire to co-create a harmonious and peaceful world.
My love and blessings in abundance,
Chrissie xx
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Green lakes, connections and pine trees.

Wow, what a busy couple of months! September was such an exciting month for me with the launch of my new book, whizzing up and down the motorways giving talks and book signings in Lytham and Manchester full of my usual enthusiasm to share. I met up with some lovely people, reconnected with friends and had a great time.
Giving out one's own energy can be exhausting, especially when we are travelling too. It is really important to stay centred and protected and I always use my driving time to listen to uplifting music and contemplate my spiritual direction as well as the road ahead. Of course it is tiring, and as I get older I find that it takes a few extra days to recover but I'm blessed by wonderful nurturing friends, and also by belonging to a group of Spiritual Educator Companions who are all well versed in supporting spiritual energy. So I enjoyed meeting up with them in London to discuss plans for more Holistic courses and spreading the Spiritual Companions project upwards and outwards through programmes in Personal & Spiritual Development. I will be producing my own version in line with the Spiritual companion values. (http://www.spiritualcompanions.org) Watch this space for new courses coming up in 2012!
One of the hi-lights of my personal professional development during September was a full day seminar given by the fascinating Dolores Cannon. One of the well respected matriarchs in esoteric authorship she spoke in great depth and length about her experiences with past-life regression, healing and the Essenes. This, as you may know, covers two of my passions and I was delighted to be given the opportunity to speak for a few moments about my involvement in the Essene Network International. It was a great day, and I enjoyed making new connections. In true Essene style I could not help but notice the synchronicity during the day as it evolved between my friends and I, how deeply our roots connect, and how far our branches spread!
Then after all the rushing about, ... Bliss! A two week escape to the Taurus mountains in Turkey. We stayed in the holiday home of dear friends in the tranquility of my favourite type of surroundings: pine clad mountains with a breath-taking view of mountains and valleys and a spectacular green lake. We were graced by the presence of an eagle, a kingfisher and the largest heron I have ever seen, as we slowly motored down the silent green river in the valley. We watched the sunsets colour the sky all shades of rose in the evenings and even enjoyed the thrill and spectacle of one of the fiercest electrical storms I have ever witnessed... then back to normality as we enjoyed the fun of bartering in the markets, or simply lying by the pool during the day. I made a complete fool of myself thinking I could still ride a horse (a huge challenge for me and the poor horse, as I'd completely forgotten that the last time I went horse riding was in 1978!!) and I also forgot I don't like sitting in a canoe, (hm, must make a mental note not to squeal at the foot of a ravine - it echoes!)... but I loved sampling all the flavours of Turkish delight and sipping hot apple tea, and strolling by the river in the nearby town of Dalyan, and next time I will definitely try the mountain top hang-gliding.... I'd definitely rather fly than float.
The whole experience was absolutely wonderful, in fact so much so that I have decided to run my next retreat from there. Maybe you'll join me?
Enjoy your October,
I'm sending my love and angel blessings,
Chrissie xx
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Essene Ministry
During the wonderful week at the annual Summer Gathering of the Essene Network International (ENI) - which is always full of shared experiences of calm, peace, great healing, love and laughter, I was invited and invested as a new minister. It was one of the most life-affirming of experiences and one which I shall treasure close to my heart for the rest of my life. I thought I would share it with you.
On the evening of the Silent Meal the group always dress in white, and the dining room is set with many tea-lights, fresh flowers and a gorgeous array of colourful fresh food ready for sharing of our mindful and silent meal of awareness and appreciation. Before and after beautiful ceremonial words are read by the celebrants, calling in the angels of the Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother, together with the elements of air, fire, water, ether and earth. It is a very beautiful ceremony and one enjoyed by all our participants especially new ones who may not have experienced a silent meal before.
After the meal everyone moved to a circle of chairs and I was seated in the centre. The two remaining founding members of the ENI, who are both ordained Essene ministers of over twenty years, stood one in front, Anne MacEwen, and created part of the circle, and the other behind me with hands on my shoulders. Anne spoke beautifully about all her years as a minister within the network and it's original founding with Sir George Travelyan, based on the teachings of Jeshua (Jesus) and the way of the Essenes and explained to the group that since the passing of Brian Stevenson, a co-founder and well-loved Chairman, it was time to invite another minister. I was asked if I would be willing to accept this role and the group were asked if they would accept me. All of us said yes! And one of the lively even members shouted Mazaltov!
The minister behind me, Jackie Stevenson, spoke of my role within the network and invited blessings from the angels to bless and assist me further, and then said a beautiful prayer. It was incredibly moving and I cannot begin to express the feelings I experienced, especially at the end of the ceremony when Peter recited the Aramaic version of the Lord's Prayer. There are several translations here is one for you:
Through the Breath of our Father/Mother God
May the Divine shine everywhere in All that Is
Let us make a Shrine in our hearts
And unite with our Mother the Earth
Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us the Bread of Understanding according to our needs this day and every day
Shine upon and disperse our shortcomings as we forgive and forget the shortcomings of others
Don’t let us embrace that which is false
Or behave inappropriately
From you is born all power and life, the song to beautify all.
For Thine is the essential goodness of all Creation, our Mother Earth, the Life Force, the rejoicing from age to age.
Amen - True Power to these statements - may they be the source from which all my actions grow.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Flaming June
Hello friends,
I don't know where June went really, it flashed by like whirlwind, a flicker of light, and probably because as usual it was packed with activity. But much of the activity this month has been, for me, thought provoking, inspiring and beautiful.
It started with a week in Wales for a few days of much needed rest time, but as usual even though I seemed to spend time sitting, we still packed it with 'things to do'.
We visited castles all over north Wales but especially liked the one in Conwy with its high towers (in tact) and views all around of mountains and water ways, roads and bridges. We climbed and walked round city walls walking all the way round Chester, and spent a day at Portmeirion enjoying the weird and wonderful architecture. We visited with a friend in Anglesea and were shown amazing views across the sea. We even climbed mount Snowdon (even though my stamina levels dropped and I caught the train back down again).
But my favourite in all of the days out was a coastal walk by the edge of the sea on a glorious day with a bright blue sky and a gentle breeze refreshing us as we strolled through a wooded path with the sand and sea to one side of us and fabulous old trees on the other. As we climbed our way up the incline and further into the woods the smell of the woodland was gorgeous, and energy from the trees was clearly tangible, we were walking on a very powerful Ley line. Tree after ancient tree was forked from the near its base creating massive double trunks wherever we looked. Fascinating evidence of the natural power in the land beneath our feet as we followed a pathway parallel to the river estuary. (My mother has followed Ley lines all over the world and so the signs are very familiar to me.)
My personal interest is not so much in the energy under my feet but the beauty and power of the trees themselves. When my children were small we used to find the faces on each tree as we walked through the wooded park to their primary school and I would always stop and speak to my favourites on my way home again. That was before I knew of the healing attributes of trees, and that the popular Bach remedies contain the essence of many trees for self healing, or that the Essenes believed that the tree is truly our brother. I simply always loved trees!
It is not hard to understand the relationship between us and our brother, the tree. Our arms like the great boughs reach outward and upwards to heaven, our bodies upright like the trunk, and our feet always remain firmly on the ground. Our 'roots' in every cell of our body contain all the minerals and nutrients of Mother Earth herself, and our blood supply and nervous system run through our body and limbs in exactly the same way as the sap flows within the tree. No wonder so many of the cultures of our world venerate the tree and have founded some of their religious and cultural beliefs on the wonder and magnificence of The Tree of Life with its branches majestically yearning towards God and roots penetrating down into the ground anchoring, taking nourishment from and embracing Mother Earth, their body, the trunk, a conduit of energy between earth and heaven. Just like us, except that we can spread our energy wherever we go, and are much much smaller!
As I now regularly practice the Essene communions with the Earthly Mother, the Heavenly Father and the angels I am always reminded of the words within the Monday communion to the Angel of Life..."Go then toward the high growing trees, And before one of them which is beautiful, high-growing and mighty, say these words: 'Hail to the! O good living tree, made by the Creator!' Then shall the River of Life flow between you and your brother, the tree..."
At the retreat centre, St Katharine's of Parmoor, where our Essene Summer Gathering is held every alternate year, there is a huge Cedar of Lebanon tree standing in the grounds reputed to have been brought as a seed by the Knights Templar and has grown and remains growing there for centuries. These great Cedars are said to hold the energy of a portal between us and other realms and during our stay we tried dowsing for the enormous parameter of its aura..... ah, now there's a topic for another blog!!
Have a great 'tree-filled' Summer!
God Bless,
With love,
I don't know where June went really, it flashed by like whirlwind, a flicker of light, and probably because as usual it was packed with activity. But much of the activity this month has been, for me, thought provoking, inspiring and beautiful.
It started with a week in Wales for a few days of much needed rest time, but as usual even though I seemed to spend time sitting, we still packed it with 'things to do'.
We visited castles all over north Wales but especially liked the one in Conwy with its high towers (in tact) and views all around of mountains and water ways, roads and bridges. We climbed and walked round city walls walking all the way round Chester, and spent a day at Portmeirion enjoying the weird and wonderful architecture. We visited with a friend in Anglesea and were shown amazing views across the sea. We even climbed mount Snowdon (even though my stamina levels dropped and I caught the train back down again).
But my favourite in all of the days out was a coastal walk by the edge of the sea on a glorious day with a bright blue sky and a gentle breeze refreshing us as we strolled through a wooded path with the sand and sea to one side of us and fabulous old trees on the other. As we climbed our way up the incline and further into the woods the smell of the woodland was gorgeous, and energy from the trees was clearly tangible, we were walking on a very powerful Ley line. Tree after ancient tree was forked from the near its base creating massive double trunks wherever we looked. Fascinating evidence of the natural power in the land beneath our feet as we followed a pathway parallel to the river estuary. (My mother has followed Ley lines all over the world and so the signs are very familiar to me.)
My personal interest is not so much in the energy under my feet but the beauty and power of the trees themselves. When my children were small we used to find the faces on each tree as we walked through the wooded park to their primary school and I would always stop and speak to my favourites on my way home again. That was before I knew of the healing attributes of trees, and that the popular Bach remedies contain the essence of many trees for self healing, or that the Essenes believed that the tree is truly our brother. I simply always loved trees!
It is not hard to understand the relationship between us and our brother, the tree. Our arms like the great boughs reach outward and upwards to heaven, our bodies upright like the trunk, and our feet always remain firmly on the ground. Our 'roots' in every cell of our body contain all the minerals and nutrients of Mother Earth herself, and our blood supply and nervous system run through our body and limbs in exactly the same way as the sap flows within the tree. No wonder so many of the cultures of our world venerate the tree and have founded some of their religious and cultural beliefs on the wonder and magnificence of The Tree of Life with its branches majestically yearning towards God and roots penetrating down into the ground anchoring, taking nourishment from and embracing Mother Earth, their body, the trunk, a conduit of energy between earth and heaven. Just like us, except that we can spread our energy wherever we go, and are much much smaller!
As I now regularly practice the Essene communions with the Earthly Mother, the Heavenly Father and the angels I am always reminded of the words within the Monday communion to the Angel of Life..."Go then toward the high growing trees, And before one of them which is beautiful, high-growing and mighty, say these words: 'Hail to the! O good living tree, made by the Creator!' Then shall the River of Life flow between you and your brother, the tree..."
At the retreat centre, St Katharine's of Parmoor, where our Essene Summer Gathering is held every alternate year, there is a huge Cedar of Lebanon tree standing in the grounds reputed to have been brought as a seed by the Knights Templar and has grown and remains growing there for centuries. These great Cedars are said to hold the energy of a portal between us and other realms and during our stay we tried dowsing for the enormous parameter of its aura..... ah, now there's a topic for another blog!!
Have a great 'tree-filled' Summer!
God Bless,
With love,
Monday, 23 May 2011
Marriage, commitments, and May
Greetings from my extraordinarily untidy and overwhelmingly disorganised office!
This last month has been very very busy... but not necessarily with all the right kinds of business. Though if we believe that everything is in Divine order (except my desk) doesn't that mean that whatever was occupying my time, was the right thing to be doing?
Granted, I had decided to take it easy for a little while to be kind to myself following the passing of my father in April... but once I decided to start working again everything and anything seemed to catch my attention... except the backlog of work piling up intimidatingly in every square inch of my office!
It all started with the distractions of the royal wedding of Prince William and his lovely bride Catherine. Wasn't it glorious, beautiful, loving and romantic, and from the simple bouquet of myrtle, lily of the valley and sweet william, to the tree lined Westminster Abbey - from their choice of music, lyrics of the hymns to the dedicated self-penned prayers it was so very personal and spiritual in its symbolism. I loved it, didn't you?
The wedding reminded me not just of my own wedding in April two years ago, but of the symbolic marriage of partnership in our spiritual life between ourselves and God,- or perhaps between our physical self and higher self -, of our soul's purpose and commitment in service to God, and in return a promise of never ending unconditional, immeasurable love.
Very often during meditation and guided visualisation, when I take people to meet their guardian angels, participants will receive a ring or bracelet, a necklace or beautiful belt and ask me what that means. All of these symbols represent an acceptance of commitment and the symbolic marriage of the two parties. Not in a human sense of marriage between us and the angels, but as a representation of total love and acceptance- at a soul level- of both sides - ourselves and our divine guides,... a commitment to serve one another in complete harmony and with integrity, devotion and mutual trust.
I don't know about you but the wedding made me cry. Weddings always do. I'm not sure why it pierces my heart. But in this instance I was reminded of my own vows, not only in my physical human marriage, but also of my commitment many years ago to serve God, Christ and the angels, wherever I am and in what ever circumstances I may find myself. It's good to be reminded of that commitment, and create the right affirmations that I may re-focus on the road ahead, being mindful (re-minding myself) at every opportunity with humour and light-hearted attention detail...
And in all that dedication to serve and connecting to the beauty of nature around me, attending to the garden, the children and grandchildren, writing newsletters and articles, planning talks and workshops, nurturing friendship and the extended family, supporting course students, answering emails, my husband, my study and research, walking the dog, keeping up with my website, meditation and prayer, distant healing, the organisations I now belong to, texting, blogging and tweeting, promoting my new book, may I find the time and commitment to sort out my desk!! ...
Wishing you a wonderful month of love and peaceful dreams,
Chrissie xx
This last month has been very very busy... but not necessarily with all the right kinds of business. Though if we believe that everything is in Divine order (except my desk) doesn't that mean that whatever was occupying my time, was the right thing to be doing?
Granted, I had decided to take it easy for a little while to be kind to myself following the passing of my father in April... but once I decided to start working again everything and anything seemed to catch my attention... except the backlog of work piling up intimidatingly in every square inch of my office!
It all started with the distractions of the royal wedding of Prince William and his lovely bride Catherine. Wasn't it glorious, beautiful, loving and romantic, and from the simple bouquet of myrtle, lily of the valley and sweet william, to the tree lined Westminster Abbey - from their choice of music, lyrics of the hymns to the dedicated self-penned prayers it was so very personal and spiritual in its symbolism. I loved it, didn't you?
The wedding reminded me not just of my own wedding in April two years ago, but of the symbolic marriage of partnership in our spiritual life between ourselves and God,- or perhaps between our physical self and higher self -, of our soul's purpose and commitment in service to God, and in return a promise of never ending unconditional, immeasurable love.
Very often during meditation and guided visualisation, when I take people to meet their guardian angels, participants will receive a ring or bracelet, a necklace or beautiful belt and ask me what that means. All of these symbols represent an acceptance of commitment and the symbolic marriage of the two parties. Not in a human sense of marriage between us and the angels, but as a representation of total love and acceptance- at a soul level- of both sides - ourselves and our divine guides,... a commitment to serve one another in complete harmony and with integrity, devotion and mutual trust.
I don't know about you but the wedding made me cry. Weddings always do. I'm not sure why it pierces my heart. But in this instance I was reminded of my own vows, not only in my physical human marriage, but also of my commitment many years ago to serve God, Christ and the angels, wherever I am and in what ever circumstances I may find myself. It's good to be reminded of that commitment, and create the right affirmations that I may re-focus on the road ahead, being mindful (re-minding myself) at every opportunity with humour and light-hearted attention detail...
And in all that dedication to serve and connecting to the beauty of nature around me, attending to the garden, the children and grandchildren, writing newsletters and articles, planning talks and workshops, nurturing friendship and the extended family, supporting course students, answering emails, my husband, my study and research, walking the dog, keeping up with my website, meditation and prayer, distant healing, the organisations I now belong to, texting, blogging and tweeting, promoting my new book, may I find the time and commitment to sort out my desk!! ...
Wishing you a wonderful month of love and peaceful dreams,
Chrissie xx
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Tribute to Fred Astell
FredAstell's physical body died and his spirit passed over to the light on 29th March 2011.
It was my birthday. He was there when I entered the world, and I was with him as he left it. There was half a century and more during which we hardly saw one another, but I adored him. The following was my tribute to him at his funeral in Keswick, Cumbria on 5th April. My sister Stella also read her personal tribute to her beloved father too. It was very moving, and very beautiful.
"When I was a child my dad seemed a big, magical man who laughed loudly, and whistled, and swung me high above his head. He filled my visits with adventures and created wonderful memories for me - then later he delighted in doing the same for my children, his grandson Daniel, and his granddaughter Claire.
My dad spent over half a century following his sacred inner guidance and saved many a soul's despair with his immeasurable kindness, his gifts of healing and good humour - and often at great personal cost.
Dad's passion for life came from his intimate knowledge and experience of the power of God's love which came to him through his friend and saviour Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the mystical visions and guidance of the angels.
Since I became an adult, for thirty years dad has been my spiritual counsellor and mentor. He has enthusiastically encouraged me in finding my own soul purpose. Together we interpreted many of my own visions and explored the ways in which I too could spread the message of love. The one legacy he hoped to leave me was an understanding and personal experience of God's promise of eternal and unconditional love."
This is dad's favourite version of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13, taken from The Living Bible:-
If I had the gift of being able to speak in other languages without learning them, and could speak in every language there is in all of heaven and earth,… but didn’t love others, I would only be making noise.
If I had the gift of prophecy and knew all about what is going to happen in the future, knew anything about everything, but didn’t love others, what good would it do? Even if I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, I would still be worth nothing at all without love. If I gave everything I had to the poor, and if I were burned alive for preaching the Gospel but didn’t have love for others, it would be of no value whatever.
Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love doesn’t demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges, and it will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.
It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost, always expect the best of him and always stand your ground defending him.
All the special gifts from God will someday come to an end, but love… goes on forever. Someday prophecy, and speaking in unknown languages, and special knowledge – these gifts will disappear.
Now we know so little, even with our special gifts, and the preaching of those most gifted is still so poor. But when we have been made perfect and complete, then the need for these inadequate special gifts will come to an end, and they will disappear.
It’s like when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I became a man my thoughts grew far beyond those of my childhood, and now I have put away childish things. In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face. Now all that I know is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now.
There are three things that remain forever – faith, hope and love… and the greatest of these is love.
With my love to you,
Chrissie xx
Monday, 7 March 2011
Angel Guidance, on a clear & beautiful day.
I found this among some papers while I was searching for something else. I remember writing it clearly while practising automatic writing and found it very moving. I read it again to myself just now and found that it still inspires me. Clearly at the time it was a personal message to me.
In the absence of anything better to say today I feel like inspired to share it with you. Because, you never know, it might have been whispered to me..... for you too!
Dear you,
"You are a beautiful, loveable soul.
You are responsible for your own choices but you needn't make them from a place of insecurity or uncertainty.
You are always guided with wisdom and love.
Focus and tune into your soul. To the essence of who you really are not what you feel others expect you to be.
In your inner being you have great wisdom.
When you are still, when you trust your self, when you tune your soul to the greater One of which we are all a part... then the answers to whatever you quest will be found.
Go deep within yourself. Trust the faces you see. Trust the sense of inner knowing that you have developed through the years.
Over many lifetimes and many journeys you have travelled. Each lifetime has taught you much about yourself and your world.
You do not need others to affirm your value. Your journeying has led you to this place. Now stop for a moment and take stock of the knowing, for yourself.
You are not alone. Even in your loneliness you are not alone.
Follow your heart. Never be afraid that you may be misled by it.
Fear is not a necessary requirement for life. It is an experience that you have felt in many places and in many lifetimes but it has only brought you pain.
Harness your strength, your courage. Trust yourself and be the person you know that you truly are.
You are so loved.
You are a precious child of the Universe.
You chose to be here.
You chose service.
You will succeed in playing your part."
With my love, and many angel blessings,
I found this among some papers while I was searching for something else. I remember writing it clearly while practising automatic writing and found it very moving. I read it again to myself just now and found that it still inspires me. Clearly at the time it was a personal message to me.
In the absence of anything better to say today I feel like inspired to share it with you. Because, you never know, it might have been whispered to me..... for you too!
Dear you,
"You are a beautiful, loveable soul.
You are responsible for your own choices but you needn't make them from a place of insecurity or uncertainty.
You are always guided with wisdom and love.
Focus and tune into your soul. To the essence of who you really are not what you feel others expect you to be.
In your inner being you have great wisdom.
When you are still, when you trust your self, when you tune your soul to the greater One of which we are all a part... then the answers to whatever you quest will be found.
Go deep within yourself. Trust the faces you see. Trust the sense of inner knowing that you have developed through the years.
Over many lifetimes and many journeys you have travelled. Each lifetime has taught you much about yourself and your world.
You do not need others to affirm your value. Your journeying has led you to this place. Now stop for a moment and take stock of the knowing, for yourself.
You are not alone. Even in your loneliness you are not alone.
Follow your heart. Never be afraid that you may be misled by it.
Fear is not a necessary requirement for life. It is an experience that you have felt in many places and in many lifetimes but it has only brought you pain.
Harness your strength, your courage. Trust yourself and be the person you know that you truly are.
You are so loved.
You are a precious child of the Universe.
You chose to be here.
You chose service.
You will succeed in playing your part."
With my love, and many angel blessings,
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Valentine's wishes
Hello friends,
It’s an exciting time of preparation and hard work for many of us.
I write to you on a beautiful sunny morning with a blue cloudless sky gloriously smiling through my office window having just returned from walking my dog Daisy through the woods. The woodpeckers are busy tapping, snowdrops are appearing in cheery green and white bunches at the base of some of the trees. At the edge of the wood stands a pair of Hazel trees adorned with bright yellow catkins and as we walked towards them to admire their delicate beauty to my absolute delight and fascination I stood and watched hundreds of little brown bees creating bright yellow velvet ‘trousers’ of fresh wild pollen on their tiny back legs. The sound of harmonious music from their unified drone was magical. As I walked back to the gate of my cottage a pair of turtle-necked doves greeted me from the fence. Magical!
So,… the flowers are pushing through, the birds are pairing up, the bees are busy again… it is that time of year when the first touches of the onset of Spring fills me with awe and wonder at the generosity our Earthly Mother.
It is also that time of year again when the shops are full of bright red love hearts, black and red Valentine’s cards, and the price of carnations and red roses doubles! A time of ‘Love in the air’, and a reason perhaps to add a little extra romance to our lives.
The symbol of the heart can never, in my opinion, be over used. Have you noticed how many symbols of ‘love’ and sweethearts are being used as home and shop decorations at the moment, with or without a connection to Saint Valentine?
Symbols carry the energy of whatever it is they represent, and in this case we are choosing, inadvertently, to fill our homes with love by following a recent popular fashion of interior design. How wonderful. The universe wins again!
But what if low self esteem, or painful past experiences prevents you from feeling the ‘love in the air’… perhaps there is a sense of deep regret, loss, or rejection you are unable to release? The answer is to join in. Choose to feel loved, and to be loving anyway. Think pink! Buy yourself some pink roses, pop a rose quartz heart in your pocket, and call upon the angels to help you release any negative energy and help you to build your self esteem and self love once again.
Archangel Chamuel and the angels of love carry the essence of unconditional love. Take a few moments to call them close to you in your mind and thank them for always being there. Imagine a swirling pink mist approaching you, enfolding you and melting away any self-doubt and ‘anti-love’. Open your heart chakra as wide as you can. An open heart is essential on your journey of spiritual self discovery.
Always remember that you are loved completely, for who you are, by God and the angels, and you are encouraged to share unconditional love with everyone you meet. You might not send everyone flowers and cards, or even tell them you love them… but your love will shine through a smile,a gentle touch, a kind word, and your patience.
Love given unconditionally is the greatest gift of all, and the magic of love is that the more you share it around, the more it comes back to you!
Excuse me... I must dash off and buy a Valentine's card!
Love and blessings in abundance,
It’s an exciting time of preparation and hard work for many of us.
I write to you on a beautiful sunny morning with a blue cloudless sky gloriously smiling through my office window having just returned from walking my dog Daisy through the woods. The woodpeckers are busy tapping, snowdrops are appearing in cheery green and white bunches at the base of some of the trees. At the edge of the wood stands a pair of Hazel trees adorned with bright yellow catkins and as we walked towards them to admire their delicate beauty to my absolute delight and fascination I stood and watched hundreds of little brown bees creating bright yellow velvet ‘trousers’ of fresh wild pollen on their tiny back legs. The sound of harmonious music from their unified drone was magical. As I walked back to the gate of my cottage a pair of turtle-necked doves greeted me from the fence. Magical!
So,… the flowers are pushing through, the birds are pairing up, the bees are busy again… it is that time of year when the first touches of the onset of Spring fills me with awe and wonder at the generosity our Earthly Mother.
It is also that time of year again when the shops are full of bright red love hearts, black and red Valentine’s cards, and the price of carnations and red roses doubles! A time of ‘Love in the air’, and a reason perhaps to add a little extra romance to our lives.
The symbol of the heart can never, in my opinion, be over used. Have you noticed how many symbols of ‘love’ and sweethearts are being used as home and shop decorations at the moment, with or without a connection to Saint Valentine?
Symbols carry the energy of whatever it is they represent, and in this case we are choosing, inadvertently, to fill our homes with love by following a recent popular fashion of interior design. How wonderful. The universe wins again!
But what if low self esteem, or painful past experiences prevents you from feeling the ‘love in the air’… perhaps there is a sense of deep regret, loss, or rejection you are unable to release? The answer is to join in. Choose to feel loved, and to be loving anyway. Think pink! Buy yourself some pink roses, pop a rose quartz heart in your pocket, and call upon the angels to help you release any negative energy and help you to build your self esteem and self love once again.
Archangel Chamuel and the angels of love carry the essence of unconditional love. Take a few moments to call them close to you in your mind and thank them for always being there. Imagine a swirling pink mist approaching you, enfolding you and melting away any self-doubt and ‘anti-love’. Open your heart chakra as wide as you can. An open heart is essential on your journey of spiritual self discovery.
Always remember that you are loved completely, for who you are, by God and the angels, and you are encouraged to share unconditional love with everyone you meet. You might not send everyone flowers and cards, or even tell them you love them… but your love will shine through a smile,a gentle touch, a kind word, and your patience.
Love given unconditionally is the greatest gift of all, and the magic of love is that the more you share it around, the more it comes back to you!
Excuse me... I must dash off and buy a Valentine's card!
Love and blessings in abundance,
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Stopped in my tracks!
Hi there lovely people,
Goodness....It is l most the end of January already.
Have you kept your resolutions... did you make any?
Every year I resolve to make changes of one type or another, but this year ( thanks to an extreme message from the angels) I am determined to. I have been shown that I really do need to listen to:
a) the kind advice of all my friends and family...
b) my own inner/higher knowing... and
c) the meaningful message of the universe/angels.
What am I talking about? Let me explain...
Yesterday was a normal busy day. I planned to deliver my last minute paperwork and talk things through with the kind person who is going to complete my January 31st tax return for me at 10.am.... meet my colleague Richard at 1pm to finalise the arrangements at the gorgeous venue for our new Masterclass Workshop in Stansted.... see a lovely lady for a one-to-one near by at 2.30.... drive down to London, select a new jacket with a returns voucher in a particular shop..... pop in to see my mother at 4pm, and then baby-sit for my son's children where I could meet my daughter for an hour too and later catch up on all my emails once the babies were asleep!
Not all of it fell into place as planned, and that was ok as these things happen. As I hurried down to London for the family commitments the oil light and STOP sign suddenly appeared on my control board. Knowing that to be an acute problem I drove straight to my mother's waited and checked the oil levels which, surprisingly, were fine. It gave me chance to have a nice cup of tea even if I had to forego a mini-shopping trip, and then I slammed down the bonnet, washed my hands and continued round to my son's ... minus the red light and with no need of oil.
Then....last night as I drove home late from baby-sitting my grandchildren, a weird accident happened. The bonnet of my little car flew open and smashed with a great 'bang' against the windscreen. Although the screen didn't smash I couldn't see a thing in front of me and had to pull over onto the hard shoulder and call the RAC to come out and help me as I couldn't force the bonnet back down myself.
(Lesson 1.... we cannot do everything ourselves and it's essential to have a support system lined up for those occasions where help is needed, even though sometimes it is hard to ask).
The loudness of the bang shocked me, and I panicked, slamming on my brakes, jolting my back. Although I wasn't hurt I observed that I got upset at the realisation that I might have caused an accident if anyone had been behind me.
(Lesson 2... it is perfectly normal to get upset sometimes and even to panic when things beyond our control shock us. This is not a sign of failure or weakness.)
As soon as I had called the rescue service out, the Highway Police arrived and told me that these cars are renowned for having a faulty bonnet catch...., he also kindly pointed out that I had pulled in by the side of one of their CCTV cameras, so that I was perfectly safe as I was on screen at their central office. I didn't feel at all vulnerable or unsafe but that was reassuring anyway.
(Lesson 3... trust that in all situations angels are 'watching over us' and even if we ever doubt it everything is for a reason.)
When the helpful RAC driver arrived and fixed the bonnet down with plastic ties, he reliably informed me that if I drove slowly (no faster than 40mph) I would manage the fifty miles and make it home safely.
(Lesson 4.... with self discipline it is possible to drive slowly and mindfully, and that it is better to be slower and safe than fast and stressed........even for speedy old rush around me.)
As I contemplated the reason for this (other than the faulty bonnet catch) I was intrigued by the drama and loudness of the message. This really did stop me in my tracks, and I was unable to see the way. it was almost like a slap in the face.
Where had I been and what was I doing trying to cram all this into one day? .... even though I should have taken the day for resting as I was incredibly tired having spent several long days doing all my end of year accounts and paperwork at the last minute.
Fascinatingly just as I was approaching home a third sign popped up ...... when my oil light and red STOP appeared again for the second time on the control board.
For months now, no probably years, those close to me have suggested I should slow down and take a little more time out, to stop 'driving' myself so hard. Often I don't even notice how hard I am working or how many hours I have put in to a project because I love my work... well most of it.
This time, rather than through the words of friends which are perhaps falling on deaf ears, I do believe that the angels had become a little exasperated and created a more obvious message for me to see and hear for myself.
We know God works in mysterious ways.... how can we serve others to the best of our ability, or shine our light to it's full potential if we become worn out and dimmed down by self imposed pressure....( however good the reasons may be). Ah, I am so good at making this point in my talks and workshops. Kindness and caring for others may become second nature, but taking enough care of oneself and 'Learning to love oneself' can be more difficult .... perhaps here in my middle years it is now time to really stop, look and listen.
So that's my aim for 2011. To conserve my energies a little more and try to slow down the rushing about in serving others. To take time to listen to my higher guidance, and follow it (perhaps a teacher teaches what the teacher needs to hear), and to see where and how I can manage my time more effectively so that I really can drive a little slower!
After all 11 is the number of mastery. Lets see if I can master this! Anyone out there like to join me?
It might be the end of January, but it is only the beginning of the rest of life!
Hope your year has started well for you, and I wish you everything you wish for yourself for 2011.
Lots of love and angel blessings,
Goodness....It is l most the end of January already.
Have you kept your resolutions... did you make any?
Every year I resolve to make changes of one type or another, but this year ( thanks to an extreme message from the angels) I am determined to. I have been shown that I really do need to listen to:
a) the kind advice of all my friends and family...
b) my own inner/higher knowing... and
c) the meaningful message of the universe/angels.
What am I talking about? Let me explain...
Yesterday was a normal busy day. I planned to deliver my last minute paperwork and talk things through with the kind person who is going to complete my January 31st tax return for me at 10.am.... meet my colleague Richard at 1pm to finalise the arrangements at the gorgeous venue for our new Masterclass Workshop in Stansted.... see a lovely lady for a one-to-one near by at 2.30.... drive down to London, select a new jacket with a returns voucher in a particular shop..... pop in to see my mother at 4pm, and then baby-sit for my son's children where I could meet my daughter for an hour too and later catch up on all my emails once the babies were asleep!
Not all of it fell into place as planned, and that was ok as these things happen. As I hurried down to London for the family commitments the oil light and STOP sign suddenly appeared on my control board. Knowing that to be an acute problem I drove straight to my mother's waited and checked the oil levels which, surprisingly, were fine. It gave me chance to have a nice cup of tea even if I had to forego a mini-shopping trip, and then I slammed down the bonnet, washed my hands and continued round to my son's ... minus the red light and with no need of oil.
Then....last night as I drove home late from baby-sitting my grandchildren, a weird accident happened. The bonnet of my little car flew open and smashed with a great 'bang' against the windscreen. Although the screen didn't smash I couldn't see a thing in front of me and had to pull over onto the hard shoulder and call the RAC to come out and help me as I couldn't force the bonnet back down myself.
(Lesson 1.... we cannot do everything ourselves and it's essential to have a support system lined up for those occasions where help is needed, even though sometimes it is hard to ask).
The loudness of the bang shocked me, and I panicked, slamming on my brakes, jolting my back. Although I wasn't hurt I observed that I got upset at the realisation that I might have caused an accident if anyone had been behind me.
(Lesson 2... it is perfectly normal to get upset sometimes and even to panic when things beyond our control shock us. This is not a sign of failure or weakness.)
As soon as I had called the rescue service out, the Highway Police arrived and told me that these cars are renowned for having a faulty bonnet catch...., he also kindly pointed out that I had pulled in by the side of one of their CCTV cameras, so that I was perfectly safe as I was on screen at their central office. I didn't feel at all vulnerable or unsafe but that was reassuring anyway.
(Lesson 3... trust that in all situations angels are 'watching over us' and even if we ever doubt it everything is for a reason.)
When the helpful RAC driver arrived and fixed the bonnet down with plastic ties, he reliably informed me that if I drove slowly (no faster than 40mph) I would manage the fifty miles and make it home safely.
(Lesson 4.... with self discipline it is possible to drive slowly and mindfully, and that it is better to be slower and safe than fast and stressed........even for speedy old rush around me.)
As I contemplated the reason for this (other than the faulty bonnet catch) I was intrigued by the drama and loudness of the message. This really did stop me in my tracks, and I was unable to see the way. it was almost like a slap in the face.
Where had I been and what was I doing trying to cram all this into one day? .... even though I should have taken the day for resting as I was incredibly tired having spent several long days doing all my end of year accounts and paperwork at the last minute.
Fascinatingly just as I was approaching home a third sign popped up ...... when my oil light and red STOP appeared again for the second time on the control board.
For months now, no probably years, those close to me have suggested I should slow down and take a little more time out, to stop 'driving' myself so hard. Often I don't even notice how hard I am working or how many hours I have put in to a project because I love my work... well most of it.
This time, rather than through the words of friends which are perhaps falling on deaf ears, I do believe that the angels had become a little exasperated and created a more obvious message for me to see and hear for myself.
We know God works in mysterious ways.... how can we serve others to the best of our ability, or shine our light to it's full potential if we become worn out and dimmed down by self imposed pressure....( however good the reasons may be). Ah, I am so good at making this point in my talks and workshops. Kindness and caring for others may become second nature, but taking enough care of oneself and 'Learning to love oneself' can be more difficult .... perhaps here in my middle years it is now time to really stop, look and listen.
So that's my aim for 2011. To conserve my energies a little more and try to slow down the rushing about in serving others. To take time to listen to my higher guidance, and follow it (perhaps a teacher teaches what the teacher needs to hear), and to see where and how I can manage my time more effectively so that I really can drive a little slower!
After all 11 is the number of mastery. Lets see if I can master this! Anyone out there like to join me?
It might be the end of January, but it is only the beginning of the rest of life!
Hope your year has started well for you, and I wish you everything you wish for yourself for 2011.
Lots of love and angel blessings,
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