Wow, what a busy couple of months! September was such an exciting month for me with the launch of my new book, whizzing up and down the motorways giving talks and book signings in Lytham and Manchester full of my usual enthusiasm to share. I met up with some lovely people, reconnected with friends and had a great time.
Giving out one's own energy can be exhausting, especially when we are travelling too. It is really important to stay centred and protected and I always use my driving time to listen to uplifting music and contemplate my spiritual direction as well as the road ahead. Of course it is tiring, and as I get older I find that it takes a few extra days to recover but I'm blessed by wonderful nurturing friends, and also by belonging to a group of Spiritual Educator Companions who are all well versed in supporting spiritual energy. So I enjoyed meeting up with them in London to discuss plans for more Holistic courses and spreading the Spiritual Companions project upwards and outwards through programmes in Personal & Spiritual Development. I will be producing my own version in line with the Spiritual companion values. (http://www.spiritualcompanions.org) Watch this space for new courses coming up in 2012!
One of the hi-lights of my personal professional development during September was a full day seminar given by the fascinating Dolores Cannon. One of the well respected matriarchs in esoteric authorship she spoke in great depth and length about her experiences with past-life regression, healing and the Essenes. This, as you may know, covers two of my passions and I was delighted to be given the opportunity to speak for a few moments about my involvement in the Essene Network International. It was a great day, and I enjoyed making new connections. In true Essene style I could not help but notice the synchronicity during the day as it evolved between my friends and I, how deeply our roots connect, and how far our branches spread!
Then after all the rushing about, ... Bliss! A two week escape to the Taurus mountains in Turkey. We stayed in the holiday home of dear friends in the tranquility of my favourite type of surroundings: pine clad mountains with a breath-taking view of mountains and valleys and a spectacular green lake. We were graced by the presence of an eagle, a kingfisher and the largest heron I have ever seen, as we slowly motored down the silent green river in the valley. We watched the sunsets colour the sky all shades of rose in the evenings and even enjoyed the thrill and spectacle of one of the fiercest electrical storms I have ever witnessed... then back to normality as we enjoyed the fun of bartering in the markets, or simply lying by the pool during the day. I made a complete fool of myself thinking I could still ride a horse (a huge challenge for me and the poor horse, as I'd completely forgotten that the last time I went horse riding was in 1978!!) and I also forgot I don't like sitting in a canoe, (hm, must make a mental note not to squeal at the foot of a ravine - it echoes!)... but I loved sampling all the flavours of Turkish delight and sipping hot apple tea, and strolling by the river in the nearby town of Dalyan, and next time I will definitely try the mountain top hang-gliding.... I'd definitely rather fly than float.
The whole experience was absolutely wonderful, in fact so much so that I have decided to run my next retreat from there. Maybe you'll join me?
Enjoy your October,
I'm sending my love and angel blessings,
Chrissie xx
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