Thursday, 10 January 2008

Angels are not just for Christmas

Christmas has been and gone once again, and for too many it brings along the a flurry of planning,shopping, eating, drinking, spending, wrapping, rushing, feeling guilty, worrying and stressing. Instead of leaving us with a sense of awe at the wonder of the Universe, and renewing or questioning our belief in the coming of Christ some of us a left grieving, worn-out and broke!

When my children were small - eons ago - I found a wonderful bright cheery poster which said 'Jesus is the reason for the season' and to my husband's horror I put it on the front door of our house, rather than a replica of Santa - or a snowman, to remind passes by why they were 'doing' all this!
His fear? That people might think I was a 'nutter'. (More likely he was afraid of being associated with one!)

Sure enough there is another amusing phrase around on magnets and car-bumpers that says 'God wants to see spiritual fruits not religious nuts' ... and with all the fear in society at present surrounding fanaticism of all types, both political and religious, there is always a niggle that we might be condemned by our friends and neighbours if we are seen to be 'different'.

But, what price spiritual growth? What price authenticity and integrity?

Whether we believe the story of the nativity or not, whether we would rather follow a path of transcendence, or whether we have found spirituality through healing with crystals, or been called by angels to serve humanity in a way that is totally unique to our own special gifts - surely this means following our inner calling and then being honest and brave enough to stand and be counted. I think that's probably what my granny meant when she said "you have to have the strength of your own convictions" ...

I firmly believe that angels do walk the streets in many forms and that the images presented to us in the build up towards the festive season of Christmas - however disguised in tinsel and glitter - are actually a reminder that whether we are aiming to self-realise, or simply to be the best we can be, then lets try to be honest, generous of spirit, helpful and kind throughout the year and not just because of the social implications of gift giving at Christmas.

With love and angel blessings for a wonderful, meaningful, 2008


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