Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Please take a moment to ponder on this

Pardon the pun in the title - unintended! But ...

After the deluge of rain we have been experiencing this Winter it made me reflect on the possible sadness of Mother Earth ...

As human beings our blood is made up of 78% water. Those of you who have become familiar with the work of Dr Masaru Emoto and his amazing pioneering photographic evidence of the effect of sound, spoken words, music and even our intention, attitudes and thoughts that can be imbued on water, ice-crystals and therefore the human body, will perhaps already have wondered what kind of outcome all of this fear, anger and despair towards the rising water levels may have on the people in the affected towns and villages.
Have you ever heard someone say ' Aha, ... spilt emotion' when a glass of water has been knocked over? There's rather a lot of emotion sloshing around at the moment then ... makes you think!

With love

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