Hello friends,
Last week I was called by a live phone-in radio station in Belfast, U105. They had a controversial topic inspired by a recent letter to a newspaper from a Catholic priest who felt indignation and anger towards the 'new' craze in angel cards.
The radio felt they would like a couple of voices 'for' as a balance amongst those who called in agreeing with the priest that these cards took the eyes of believers off the ball. His argument being that Christians could be distracted, he sited a few of the messages from the angel cards of a well known American author whose books and cards are very popular. One of the cards made the suggestion that the reader should take up yoga, which the priest found highly offensive. He suggested that these cards in particular took Christians away from the very aspects of faith he believed to be the requirements of a Godly connection, such as confession, communion and prayer. I think he should give people a little more credit.
The speaker before me on the radio phone-in, in defense of an angel card reader had a wonderful story of the clear messages from loved one's that a medium can give.... and although this lady, an obviously gifted psychic had been known as a 'reader', as anyone who knows my work will be aware, is not the kind of 'angel card reading' you would get from me. I'm not a psychic medium and as much as I would love to, I cannot give messages from beyond the grave.
So, ... much to the disappointment of the interviewer, when my turn came he could not argue with my methods. As I, in part, agreed with him that very often when people search for answers they may be very vulnerable. But then we were not talking about corrupting true believers of any faith, but that many spiritual believers know there are many paths to the top of the mountain. To God.
The priest may have to accept that so many people all over the world have lost the desire to belong to a traditional organised form of religion. They have grown disillusionned with the rules of their particular group. They have moved into what is now known as -post secular society. A place where it is no longer necessary to take sides. A society where you can hold lightly the notion the Darwinian approach to life and at the same time have a faith in God as creator. You can believe that angels are surrounding you with caring healing energy. That with the blessing of Christ you can ask the angels to help. It is ok to stand alone in your personal connection with Him, and His angels and be an individual.
When I wrote the Angel Insights, and my other books, I was living in east London. A city of multi-faith and multi-ethnicity. It was the cross section of beliefs and cultures that inspired me to go to university and study for myself the golden chord linking the origins and ideas of many different world religions. I didn't want to cause offence to any of my workshop participants by being ignorant of their particular cultural belief.
In my four years of university study I found to my delight that almost all cultures have 'angels'. Whether Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Seikh, Christian or Muslim, angels are truly non-denominational and appear in all guises, all shapes and sizes. The holy scriptures to which the priest referred give hundreds of accounts of the highly developed intelligent and spiritual beings bringing messages from God, healing, fighting for righteousness... and in fact appearing whenever or wherever anything of importance occurs. There is nothing new about it.
And, just as one example of this 'new craze' if you visit the British Museum you will find carvings and depictions of 'angels' and guardian spirits from Mesopotamia dating back thousands of years (BC). Hardly modern after all !
As an author I spent two and a half years writing the Angel Insight cards because I was meditating on, visualizing, communing and praying for divine guidance whilst also researching spiritual symbols and colours for the artist.
The sole intention of these cards is for encouraging personal spiritual growth of the individual, the seeker. Not, to take the eye off the ball of Christ's teaching to love one another, but for all individuals to grow closer to the nature of compassion and love through understanding their own soul purpose, their own connection.
They are indeed also for anyone who has lost their way or doesn't want to go down the dogmatic route, for what ever reason. Working with angels, and angel cards can be a gentle, encouraging and empowering way to find one's way back to the Light.
The radio presenter was at a loss to find anything to criticise throughout our discussion, but as a final fling told me that I was 'at risk of potentially making millions' from the sale of my cards. Perhaps he and I should exchange roles for a while !!
Love to you all,
Monday, 16 November 2009
Monday, 5 October 2009
Hello friends,
The most magical aspect of living life with a belief in angels is, for me, the never ending mystery of the eternal wonder..... the hows? the whys? the whoas!, ... and definitely the wows!
Last weekend, as I was sitting having one of my lengthy discussions about the direction of my work with my colleague/friend Richard, there was a ring at the doorbell. My husband came into the office indicating that I should come to the door. Excusing myself from the middle of my 'telephone meeting' I begrudgingly hung up and went to the door to see what was so important.
There stood a small boy, head stooped, withdrawn, and holding his coat in his hands. Brian looked at me and shrugged questioningly, "he says he has run away", he whispered.
I went down the door step to the boy's level and gently asked him his name, and how I could help him.
"Matthew, I've run away", he said. "They won't listen, and it's not fair".
"Where have you come from Matthew, where do you live?"
"Braintree" he answered. (That's about 7 miles away).
"And you walked all this way, through the country roads and lanes?... what time did you leave home?"
"About 11.30."
" I'll bet you're very thirsty aren't you? It's nearly 4 o'clock."
"OK", said I, "Come on in, and we'll try to sort this out and get you home again".
He was 12, though very slight for his age, and when I finally got a clear look at his beautiful face and those clear blue eyes and long eyelashes I knew he was super-sensitive. I told him a story about my son running away when he was 6, and made him smile.
After three huge slices of fruitcake he drank the apple juice dry and started to tell me the reasons why he felt he had to run away. I felt a pang of pain for him, but also for his worried family.
He didn't know his full address, and had no knowledge of his grandma's phone number, with whom he was staying. He had no mum, but a young brother and an older sister.
It turned out that he had left his family whilst they were shopping.... his poor nan, I knew she'd be distraught. And so, at his suggestion ( because he had run away once before), we phoned the police. They had been searching for him since 11.45 that morning and had even dispatched helicopters around the area. They told us that as he has autism, and they clearly feared for his safety.
I asked him why he had walked past all the houses in the other villages as he'd walked through the countryside and yet not stopped to ask for help. He shrugged.
I asked him if he knew why he had turned into our lane, and then finally knocked at our door. No, he just liked the look of the door, so rang the bell!
The police came straight away and after my brief explanation of the reasons he had given me they escorted him away in their car, back to his family.
Of course I've changed his name! And, sadly, I've no way of knowing how it turned out. As he left I gave him a hug and he thanked me for being kind..., and in my mind I surrounded him in light asking the angels to go with him.
But, perhaps there was no need for me to do that...... I believe that's why he came to us in the first place. Because after all, his angels must have been guiding him along a very dangerous twisted and busy country road, protecting him and guiding him to a 'safe house'.
How intriguing. What a privilege.And that's why I'm busy, and continue doing this work.
Lots of love,
and may the angels always protect and guide you in difficult times, to a safe space!
Chrissie xxx
The most magical aspect of living life with a belief in angels is, for me, the never ending mystery of the eternal wonder..... the hows? the whys? the whoas!, ... and definitely the wows!
Last weekend, as I was sitting having one of my lengthy discussions about the direction of my work with my colleague/friend Richard, there was a ring at the doorbell. My husband came into the office indicating that I should come to the door. Excusing myself from the middle of my 'telephone meeting' I begrudgingly hung up and went to the door to see what was so important.
There stood a small boy, head stooped, withdrawn, and holding his coat in his hands. Brian looked at me and shrugged questioningly, "he says he has run away", he whispered.
I went down the door step to the boy's level and gently asked him his name, and how I could help him.
"Matthew, I've run away", he said. "They won't listen, and it's not fair".
"Where have you come from Matthew, where do you live?"
"Braintree" he answered. (That's about 7 miles away).
"And you walked all this way, through the country roads and lanes?... what time did you leave home?"
"About 11.30."
" I'll bet you're very thirsty aren't you? It's nearly 4 o'clock."
"OK", said I, "Come on in, and we'll try to sort this out and get you home again".
He was 12, though very slight for his age, and when I finally got a clear look at his beautiful face and those clear blue eyes and long eyelashes I knew he was super-sensitive. I told him a story about my son running away when he was 6, and made him smile.
After three huge slices of fruitcake he drank the apple juice dry and started to tell me the reasons why he felt he had to run away. I felt a pang of pain for him, but also for his worried family.
He didn't know his full address, and had no knowledge of his grandma's phone number, with whom he was staying. He had no mum, but a young brother and an older sister.
It turned out that he had left his family whilst they were shopping.... his poor nan, I knew she'd be distraught. And so, at his suggestion ( because he had run away once before), we phoned the police. They had been searching for him since 11.45 that morning and had even dispatched helicopters around the area. They told us that as he has autism, and they clearly feared for his safety.
I asked him why he had walked past all the houses in the other villages as he'd walked through the countryside and yet not stopped to ask for help. He shrugged.
I asked him if he knew why he had turned into our lane, and then finally knocked at our door. No, he just liked the look of the door, so rang the bell!
The police came straight away and after my brief explanation of the reasons he had given me they escorted him away in their car, back to his family.
Of course I've changed his name! And, sadly, I've no way of knowing how it turned out. As he left I gave him a hug and he thanked me for being kind..., and in my mind I surrounded him in light asking the angels to go with him.
But, perhaps there was no need for me to do that...... I believe that's why he came to us in the first place. Because after all, his angels must have been guiding him along a very dangerous twisted and busy country road, protecting him and guiding him to a 'safe house'.
How intriguing. What a privilege.And that's why I'm busy, and continue doing this work.
Lots of love,
and may the angels always protect and guide you in difficult times, to a safe space!
Chrissie xxx
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Where did August go??
Hello angel lover friends,
With mixed weather and mixed emotions August has blazed by in a hurry for me this year.
Too many challenges to mention have entered and some have past straight through whilst others have lingered on to tell the tale.
One tale I must share with you in this little note is of my amazement and awe at yet another miracle. The true power of Love.
My father was knocked over by a van reversing ~ on a pedestrian only market square ~ and hitting his head sharply he was taken by ambulance for all the usual checks, x-rays and the like. To the horror of us all he was found to have a clot on the brain, but because medics also found a chest infection it was decided not to operate as the risks were too high.
My son and I, on hearing the news, had driven through the night to be with him in the hospital and stayed with him until we were happy that he was comfortable and had heard the overall picture from the doctors. We left him smiling, and set off back down the long road to London.
One hour from home we had an urgent phone call to say that dad's condition had deteriorated and they had rushed him into theatre for an emergency operation. Neuro surgery is never light-weight and he was in theatre for five and a half hours while they removed a blood clot and found a concealed haemorrhage into the brain, which they were able to arrest. Thankfully, I went back to my own home in Essex, grabbed some sleep and a few extra clothes, turned around and drove back along the A1 for another 250 miles praying earnestly for the best possible outcome for him, and fearful yet holding onto the faith that I would see him again.
For 3 days my sister, her mother and myself sat around his bed in ITU. We sat and looked at him, and loved him.
We opened our hearts, and gave him our energy, our open prayers and our unconditional love. We held his hands full of intravenous lines, and his feet covered in surgical socks. We gently held his head wrapped in dressings and protruding staples, and kissed his bruised and battered face. We gently spoke to him as he rested about all the good wishes coming in texts and emails from hundreds of friends, family, his church congregation, my friends and healers sending him light and healing from all over the country and even the world.
We stayed with him each day and everyday until he spoke again and talked to us in comprehensible sentences. We all laughed together as he tlod the nurse his date of birth was 18/08/1888 and she remarked that he was 'looking good!'.
I came home when I knew he was going to recover, then returned a few days later to relieve my sister, and Mary her mum. Each journey home was painful, and each return to the Angel of the North, a relief.
When my dad was moved into the main section of the high dependancy ward I noticed something strange that caught my eye. Other visitors said nothing to their relatives. They sat and read the paper, or they simply stood ... not really knowing what to say. Some relatives held whispered conversations between one another, over the patient and even worse- about the patient. There seemed to be something missing. The expression of their Love.
On my long drives I have had lots of good thinking time. I have re-considered the intense preyer as I sat alone with my father seeing a beam of white light that came down to his crown and then encircled his body and the presence Of angels around him. I have looked again at the immense power of the Mystical 3. Two loving daughters and wife, sat in a triangle around him sending all their love, without tiring, and praying constantly for the best ourcome. My goodness, but it truly works.
This is merely a precis of all the magic that has occurred over the last few weeks. Not least that my father knew intitially there was something else that had been missed, in his head. The angels told him.
He is now well on the road to recovery and will be transferred to a local hospital shortly where friends and family can visit him every day. I'll be there when I can.
The really powerful experience that has changed my understanding is that it is love that heals.... Not symbols, chants and particular words... but pure open-hearted unconditional love, with God's Grace.
Bye for now,
My Love to you,
With mixed weather and mixed emotions August has blazed by in a hurry for me this year.
Too many challenges to mention have entered and some have past straight through whilst others have lingered on to tell the tale.
One tale I must share with you in this little note is of my amazement and awe at yet another miracle. The true power of Love.
My father was knocked over by a van reversing ~ on a pedestrian only market square ~ and hitting his head sharply he was taken by ambulance for all the usual checks, x-rays and the like. To the horror of us all he was found to have a clot on the brain, but because medics also found a chest infection it was decided not to operate as the risks were too high.
My son and I, on hearing the news, had driven through the night to be with him in the hospital and stayed with him until we were happy that he was comfortable and had heard the overall picture from the doctors. We left him smiling, and set off back down the long road to London.
One hour from home we had an urgent phone call to say that dad's condition had deteriorated and they had rushed him into theatre for an emergency operation. Neuro surgery is never light-weight and he was in theatre for five and a half hours while they removed a blood clot and found a concealed haemorrhage into the brain, which they were able to arrest. Thankfully, I went back to my own home in Essex, grabbed some sleep and a few extra clothes, turned around and drove back along the A1 for another 250 miles praying earnestly for the best possible outcome for him, and fearful yet holding onto the faith that I would see him again.
For 3 days my sister, her mother and myself sat around his bed in ITU. We sat and looked at him, and loved him.
We opened our hearts, and gave him our energy, our open prayers and our unconditional love. We held his hands full of intravenous lines, and his feet covered in surgical socks. We gently held his head wrapped in dressings and protruding staples, and kissed his bruised and battered face. We gently spoke to him as he rested about all the good wishes coming in texts and emails from hundreds of friends, family, his church congregation, my friends and healers sending him light and healing from all over the country and even the world.
We stayed with him each day and everyday until he spoke again and talked to us in comprehensible sentences. We all laughed together as he tlod the nurse his date of birth was 18/08/1888 and she remarked that he was 'looking good!'.
I came home when I knew he was going to recover, then returned a few days later to relieve my sister, and Mary her mum. Each journey home was painful, and each return to the Angel of the North, a relief.
When my dad was moved into the main section of the high dependancy ward I noticed something strange that caught my eye. Other visitors said nothing to their relatives. They sat and read the paper, or they simply stood ... not really knowing what to say. Some relatives held whispered conversations between one another, over the patient and even worse- about the patient. There seemed to be something missing. The expression of their Love.
On my long drives I have had lots of good thinking time. I have re-considered the intense preyer as I sat alone with my father seeing a beam of white light that came down to his crown and then encircled his body and the presence Of angels around him. I have looked again at the immense power of the Mystical 3. Two loving daughters and wife, sat in a triangle around him sending all their love, without tiring, and praying constantly for the best ourcome. My goodness, but it truly works.
This is merely a precis of all the magic that has occurred over the last few weeks. Not least that my father knew intitially there was something else that had been missed, in his head. The angels told him.
He is now well on the road to recovery and will be transferred to a local hospital shortly where friends and family can visit him every day. I'll be there when I can.
The really powerful experience that has changed my understanding is that it is love that heals.... Not symbols, chants and particular words... but pure open-hearted unconditional love, with God's Grace.
Bye for now,
My Love to you,
Friday, 24 July 2009
Essence of the Cedar

I've had another most wonderful experience during the July Essene Summer Gathering, and I'm eager to share it with you.
The gathering is always held in a residence close to nature and this year we returned to one of our favourite venues, a wonderful place in Buckinghamshire, called St Katherine's of Parmoor. Now owned by the Sue Ryder Foundation it was a convent for many years until the last nun, Mother Christine finally past away, in recent years.
I love this particular place ~ can't tell you why ~ and have held angel workshops there in the past as well as returning as an organiser of the Essene retreats.
During the lunch break at one of my workshops a couple of years ago, one of the participants went to the top of the central staircase in the house where she stood for a while seemingly in conversation with someone. When she came down and joined us she had a message for me. She asked me if I was aware of being 'observed'. Interestingly, the house is full of old oak panelling and has different energy which can have a very 'spooky' feel in certain areas. I had been aware of the presence of someone during my stay, but wasn't afraid . This was the message:
" Mother Christine gives you her blessings, and wants you to know she is so pleased that you have brought the angels here to St Katherine's".
This year's visit, as ever, our Essene group tried to spend as much time as possible outside although, as you know, for July the weather has been very changeable and often quite wet. Towards the end of the week we held a beautiful sacred Earth-healing ceremony with the Heavenly Father, Christ and the Earthly Mother our planet Gaia, invoking the great Archangels of the four corners and four elements, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, together with the influence of the major planets drawing the energies of light and healing to anchor them in the Earth. As we did this, all standing in a circle, a beautiful Red Kite flew over us, wings stretched, and circled round three times. Followed by a small private airplane which did the same - the natural and the unnatural!
We ended the ceremony by chanting three Aums and then decided to take the energy of love and healing straight to the majestic old Cedar of Lebanon tree standing in the grounds. These wonderful huge trees are said to have a spiritual purpose and are growing in specific areas of the world. Their immense energy acts as a conduit of spiritual light and it is also believed that they hold the power to assist the transformation of humanity, particularly important over the next few years. Some say that the Cedar trees act as a gateway to other dimensions.
This particular beautiful giant is hundreds of years old, some of her lower boughs have broken, and in the recent dry weather her pines were going brown.
The group stood round its trunk sending love and healing energy.
I chose to stand on the outer ring of the branches looking up into the tree as I connected with the light filtering through her branches, communicating with her from the heart giving her whatever healing energy she needed and asking her to share her healing essence with me if she sensed there may be something she could help me with. As I stood, arms stretching up towards her great boughs I could smell the most beautiful fragrance of soft pine. I could feel a mist of her delicate perfume bathing me as she shared her essence in recognition and response.
As we walked back into the house I joined the group. "Wasn't that amazing?" I said, meaning the perfume... " Such a beautiful smell" . No one had smelled it, no one else felt the mist. They certainly enjoyed the energy, the aura, the strength and sensation of being under her branches and in her energy field ... but it seems that the essence, the fragrance, was just for me.
Enjoy your Summer and all its magical moments of beauty.
Love and Blessings
Friday, 3 July 2009
Angels Abroad
Cretan greetings as I arrive back from another wonderful angel retreat in West Crete.
This year the venue was in a mountain village and so our early Essene morning meditation with the angels was not only accompanied by the warm morning sunshine but the tinkling neck-bells and baa-ing of the nearby goats!
As we sat under the olive trees in the garden, by the pool, we were often accompanied by the cicades in the hedges and the swooping swallows as they dived for a drink. Very Mediterranean , and completely different sights and sounds to those most of us are used to (especially me, now living in rural Essex!). The whole group came from Ireland this year, bringing their Celtic spirituality, wisdom and Love of the angels and an enormous sense of humour and fun! We had enlightenment, discovery and joy ~ in abundance.
I am so honoured to have been accompanying and teaching this workshop in Crete now for almost 10 years, some times twice in a year, and every time there are unique and special moments that I treasure. Not just the mornings of self- discovery and development that take place but also the warmth and hospitality of the local Cretans, their culture, their gorgeous beaches and their delicious home grown produce. (I have been making Greek salad since my return on Tuesday but somehow it just doesn't taste the same!)
The similarity to life in the hills and mountains of the middle east where Jesus and the Essenes would have lived and worked with the angels, the land and the goats, couldn't escape my notice.
West Crete for me has a special healing quality, a sense of peace that touches the soul. I'm aware that for many years I have been working with the energies of Archangel Raphael and some believe that Crete is the spiritual home (Ashram) of the ascended master Hilarion, who once lived the life of Paul. Certainly the high White mountains have an almost tangible air of divinity - to me. This would then be an island of discovery, of truth and healing... those who come on the retreat feel that for themselves.
And now, next week I'm off to take part in another retreat; the Essene summer gathering, which will be in leafy Buckinghamshire ~ very different from its origins in the Middle East, and completely different from Crete too. Rather than teaching, although I am one of the organisers, I shall be simply one of the "family" and am really looking forward to some time of self-reflection and meditation after several months of incredible levels excitement, travel, teaching, writing and general busy-ness!
Angel blessings to everyone,
With Love, Chrissie
However you are enjoying your Summer - which seems to be longed for during the long winter months and then goes so fast - I do hope you'll get the opportunity to spend some time smelling the flowers, absorbing the moonlight, listening to the birds and communicating with the angels.
Cretan greetings as I arrive back from another wonderful angel retreat in West Crete.
This year the venue was in a mountain village and so our early Essene morning meditation with the angels was not only accompanied by the warm morning sunshine but the tinkling neck-bells and baa-ing of the nearby goats!
As we sat under the olive trees in the garden, by the pool, we were often accompanied by the cicades in the hedges and the swooping swallows as they dived for a drink. Very Mediterranean , and completely different sights and sounds to those most of us are used to (especially me, now living in rural Essex!). The whole group came from Ireland this year, bringing their Celtic spirituality, wisdom and Love of the angels and an enormous sense of humour and fun! We had enlightenment, discovery and joy ~ in abundance.
I am so honoured to have been accompanying and teaching this workshop in Crete now for almost 10 years, some times twice in a year, and every time there are unique and special moments that I treasure. Not just the mornings of self- discovery and development that take place but also the warmth and hospitality of the local Cretans, their culture, their gorgeous beaches and their delicious home grown produce. (I have been making Greek salad since my return on Tuesday but somehow it just doesn't taste the same!)
The similarity to life in the hills and mountains of the middle east where Jesus and the Essenes would have lived and worked with the angels, the land and the goats, couldn't escape my notice.
West Crete for me has a special healing quality, a sense of peace that touches the soul. I'm aware that for many years I have been working with the energies of Archangel Raphael and some believe that Crete is the spiritual home (Ashram) of the ascended master Hilarion, who once lived the life of Paul. Certainly the high White mountains have an almost tangible air of divinity - to me. This would then be an island of discovery, of truth and healing... those who come on the retreat feel that for themselves.
And now, next week I'm off to take part in another retreat; the Essene summer gathering, which will be in leafy Buckinghamshire ~ very different from its origins in the Middle East, and completely different from Crete too. Rather than teaching, although I am one of the organisers, I shall be simply one of the "family" and am really looking forward to some time of self-reflection and meditation after several months of incredible levels excitement, travel, teaching, writing and general busy-ness!
Angel blessings to everyone,
With Love, Chrissie
However you are enjoying your Summer - which seems to be longed for during the long winter months and then goes so fast - I do hope you'll get the opportunity to spend some time smelling the flowers, absorbing the moonlight, listening to the birds and communicating with the angels.
Monday, 27 April 2009
April Wedding

Thought I'd like to thank so many of you for your loving wishes by posting a few of the photographs of my wedding last week ( 17th ) as I'm sure you'll enjoy sharing the joy we
felt on our happy day. The rain held off, our friends arrived
and the bells rang out.
as my son and I walked down the aisle friends described the
change in energy as love filled the church!
It was such a wonderful day. With cherished loved ones, family,
friends old and new ... and angels everywhere!
Introducing my husband Brian.
Introducing my husband Brian.
And below, a team photo of myself with colleagues and friends; Maggie and Stephen from Belfast - (who look after all my workshops and me ! in Northern Ireland), with Mairead ( Angel Shop, DunLaoghaire - and angel on hand in Dublin), and Richard (without whom the course and most of my materials - its manifestation and coordination - would not exist!) Love and thanks to them all for being there ... and for coming along to share our wedding day!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
I love March
Hi there,
I absolutely love this time of year. It invokes wonderful memories of my childhood, especially my birthdays.
I grew up on the Lancashire coast, very close to the Lake District, and the beauty captured by Wordsworth. Memories of fields and valleys full of golden daffodils still raises my endorphins and gives me a warm inner glow.
I particularly remember one sunny birthday at the end of March, I must have been about nine or ten, and my treat was to be taken to Windermere and pick daffs!. Of course we are not allowed to do this any more, but the memory of the thrill of running amongst so many glorious bobbing yellow flowers, picking and filling my arms with as many as I could carry ... for the princley some of two shillings... brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I can easily recall the fragrance, (and the sap from the stems as it ran down my arms and party dress) and the sheer pleasure of the day.
Yesterday as I drove through the lanes with my two year old grandson I pointed out the daffodils at the side of the road. As we arrived into Great Dunmow, the small town on the way back to the motorway, the green was covered with my favourite budding flowers. "Look nanny, lots of Daffodils over there" he shouted with a huge straight from the heart grin... Pleasure, pleasure pleasure.......
Most people like to see the signs of new life at this time of year. The trees spring into bud as the lambs are born, the primroses, crocuses and snowdrops make way for the next flourish of colour. It is so beautiful that we can't help but feel freshened and uplifted. The sunshine in Spring renews our senses and fills us with the long awaited sense of rejuvenation and warmth.
But what of those among us who feel so down, so depressed that nothing we say can stir them out of their darkness? How can we help them to make small changes in the way they see life?
I'm talking about changing thought patterns and emotional, physical and psychological healing and I have dealt with these topics quite a lot in my Educating Heart & Soul course because I feel that throughout our darkness there are always chinks of Divine light, offers of angelic help, bridges we can go across - which we can take or choose to ignore until we are ready.
One of the quickest and most effective ways of boosting our inner happiness is to think of a happy memory. Breathe it in, smell it, go there, remember the music, the voices, the colours, your feelings at the time... maybe like me it was a special birthday, or it could be the wonder of the birth of a child, or just simply sitting swinging your legs on a wall eating a bar of your favourite chocolate! The chemical reaction to happy thoughts is instant, creating a rise in the body's natural healing mechanism, creating endorphins that give us that wonderful feel good factor which we can then tune into and instantly feel better. Even in physical pain.
I'm not trying to suggest we push aside the serious condition of the world around us, but ...with all the sadness and dispair we are able to access through the many media channels, we are at risk of allowing much of it to pull us down emotionally - and particularly those of us who are empathic and literally 'feel' the pain in the world! But, we always have a choice whether we want to buy into the drama of it all. We also have a choice how we want to feel... on a minute by minute basis.
Sometimes we just need to get away... and luckily I'm off to Lancaster this weekend and shall most certainly be visiting my favourite Windermere in time for the Daffodils.
(If you are anywhere near that area and would like to join my talk about angels at the Lancaster Complimentary Health fair this coming Saturday do check the details on my website.)
Thank you so much to those lovely people who have been writing to congratulate me on next months wedding ... and finally if any of you would like to join me in Glastonbury for the Spring Equinox (I'm holding a weekend retreat at the Glastonbury Abbey House with meditation, yoga, an Essene silent meal) and have two places left. We'd love you to be there!
May the Daffodils bring a smile to you !
Loving Spring Blessings
I absolutely love this time of year. It invokes wonderful memories of my childhood, especially my birthdays.
I grew up on the Lancashire coast, very close to the Lake District, and the beauty captured by Wordsworth. Memories of fields and valleys full of golden daffodils still raises my endorphins and gives me a warm inner glow.
I particularly remember one sunny birthday at the end of March, I must have been about nine or ten, and my treat was to be taken to Windermere and pick daffs!. Of course we are not allowed to do this any more, but the memory of the thrill of running amongst so many glorious bobbing yellow flowers, picking and filling my arms with as many as I could carry ... for the princley some of two shillings... brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I can easily recall the fragrance, (and the sap from the stems as it ran down my arms and party dress) and the sheer pleasure of the day.
Yesterday as I drove through the lanes with my two year old grandson I pointed out the daffodils at the side of the road. As we arrived into Great Dunmow, the small town on the way back to the motorway, the green was covered with my favourite budding flowers. "Look nanny, lots of Daffodils over there" he shouted with a huge straight from the heart grin... Pleasure, pleasure pleasure.......
Most people like to see the signs of new life at this time of year. The trees spring into bud as the lambs are born, the primroses, crocuses and snowdrops make way for the next flourish of colour. It is so beautiful that we can't help but feel freshened and uplifted. The sunshine in Spring renews our senses and fills us with the long awaited sense of rejuvenation and warmth.
But what of those among us who feel so down, so depressed that nothing we say can stir them out of their darkness? How can we help them to make small changes in the way they see life?
I'm talking about changing thought patterns and emotional, physical and psychological healing and I have dealt with these topics quite a lot in my Educating Heart & Soul course because I feel that throughout our darkness there are always chinks of Divine light, offers of angelic help, bridges we can go across - which we can take or choose to ignore until we are ready.
One of the quickest and most effective ways of boosting our inner happiness is to think of a happy memory. Breathe it in, smell it, go there, remember the music, the voices, the colours, your feelings at the time... maybe like me it was a special birthday, or it could be the wonder of the birth of a child, or just simply sitting swinging your legs on a wall eating a bar of your favourite chocolate! The chemical reaction to happy thoughts is instant, creating a rise in the body's natural healing mechanism, creating endorphins that give us that wonderful feel good factor which we can then tune into and instantly feel better. Even in physical pain.
I'm not trying to suggest we push aside the serious condition of the world around us, but ...with all the sadness and dispair we are able to access through the many media channels, we are at risk of allowing much of it to pull us down emotionally - and particularly those of us who are empathic and literally 'feel' the pain in the world! But, we always have a choice whether we want to buy into the drama of it all. We also have a choice how we want to feel... on a minute by minute basis.
Sometimes we just need to get away... and luckily I'm off to Lancaster this weekend and shall most certainly be visiting my favourite Windermere in time for the Daffodils.
(If you are anywhere near that area and would like to join my talk about angels at the Lancaster Complimentary Health fair this coming Saturday do check the details on my website.)
Thank you so much to those lovely people who have been writing to congratulate me on next months wedding ... and finally if any of you would like to join me in Glastonbury for the Spring Equinox (I'm holding a weekend retreat at the Glastonbury Abbey House with meditation, yoga, an Essene silent meal) and have two places left. We'd love you to be there!
May the Daffodils bring a smile to you !
Loving Spring Blessings
Friday, 6 February 2009
Hello there!
Hope you are warm and smiling...
What a week! A total slow down... and shutdown in many cases. A complete freeze up of our terrestrial communication links, just as the planet Mercury -( in charge of communication on many levels ) having been in a standstill position on the 1st of Feb moved forwards again.
It's all very interesting to me how in this scientific / secular age we often fail to notice the interconnectness between earthly and heavenly forces. The opportunities for change - in attitude and in circumstance both socially and personally are enormous.
Maybe I'm being romantic but I seem to remember that in the snowy winters of my childhood each household would sweep and salt the pavement in front of their home. Many would sweep and salt for others too.
In a co-op carpark near my village, which had turned into an ice-rink, an elderly man slipt and fell backwards as he bought his ticket from the pay and display machine. Fortunately for him I was standing behind him, caught him and we both slipped around as if dancing on ice! We laughed out loud, but this could have been a nasty accident. It wasn't thank goodness...... but no one had spread salt! Why? Because the council hadn't salted........... but couldn't the supermarket staff ?
Hm, 'Elf' and safety! Oh how sad.
Driving home cautiously I smiled at all of the judgements running through my head. I called the council to find out where the village salt bin was and with my plastic carrier trundled along to fetch and sprinkle in the road beside my cottage. Goody two shoes? Goodness no!........... but I did feel a prod in the conscience/backside about criticising others for something I had not done myself!
Cold as it is, mayhem causing as it might be... there is a wonderful stillness and such a 'brightness' in the light from the snow. Let it speak to you..... feel the peace and take the opportunity to breathe... for a while.
Lots of love
Hope you are warm and smiling...
What a week! A total slow down... and shutdown in many cases. A complete freeze up of our terrestrial communication links, just as the planet Mercury -( in charge of communication on many levels ) having been in a standstill position on the 1st of Feb moved forwards again.
It's all very interesting to me how in this scientific / secular age we often fail to notice the interconnectness between earthly and heavenly forces. The opportunities for change - in attitude and in circumstance both socially and personally are enormous.
Maybe I'm being romantic but I seem to remember that in the snowy winters of my childhood each household would sweep and salt the pavement in front of their home. Many would sweep and salt for others too.
In a co-op carpark near my village, which had turned into an ice-rink, an elderly man slipt and fell backwards as he bought his ticket from the pay and display machine. Fortunately for him I was standing behind him, caught him and we both slipped around as if dancing on ice! We laughed out loud, but this could have been a nasty accident. It wasn't thank goodness...... but no one had spread salt! Why? Because the council hadn't salted........... but couldn't the supermarket staff ?
Hm, 'Elf' and safety! Oh how sad.
Driving home cautiously I smiled at all of the judgements running through my head. I called the council to find out where the village salt bin was and with my plastic carrier trundled along to fetch and sprinkle in the road beside my cottage. Goody two shoes? Goodness no!........... but I did feel a prod in the conscience/backside about criticising others for something I had not done myself!
Cold as it is, mayhem causing as it might be... there is a wonderful stillness and such a 'brightness' in the light from the snow. Let it speak to you..... feel the peace and take the opportunity to breathe... for a while.
Lots of love
Monday, 5 January 2009
Happy New Year - 2009
Yes Happy New Year!
Even with the news as it is; war, turmoil, devastation and destruction of the human world in which we continue to kill, wound, torment, tear apart and compete for power... and it sometimes feels painfully as if many of us can do nothing but watch.
It is the opportunity of change that brings a happy new year because the idea that we can do nothing is simply not true! The weakest of us can change once we believe we are able to, we can all do something to improve a small corner of our own world.
Do you know the story of the humming bird? I heard it at a Peace conference, years ago, and it stayed with me. Let me share it with you:
There was a forest fire, and all the animals, smelling the smoke, began to flee for their lives. Panic ensued as tigers, foxes, monkeys all ran to save their lives from the flames.
As one monkey swung through the trees he spotted a tiny bird hovering among the branches filling his beak with nectar from a flower. "Come on, come on, the fire is coming and you'll burn alive if you don't run too!" Shouted the monkey. But, the little bird filled his tiny beak, flew to the edge of the flames, dropped the nectar and flew back to the flower to fill his beak again. The monkey stopped for a moment to watch as the humming bird repeated the process again. "Come on, come on bird, what are you doing?"
"I can't run away", said the tiny humming bird, "I'm just doing my bit".
Some of us are politically motivated and write letters to parliament. Some may simply 'sound off' hot air to the newspapers or to friends.
From a spiritual perspective, if we profess to believing in angels and the notion of a universal connection between us all, then surely whatever we do at a state level we do to one another at a soul level. As some countries determine to overpower and destroy one another, and the planet at the same time, we are surely damaging life itself.
We have a paradox here ... as on the one hand we are profoundly aware of the darkening fear and lack of love in the world at a political and international level and yet, on the other, we are pursuing the ideas expressed in books and films like 'The Secret' busily teaching ourselves how to co-create financial and material abundance. Great ideas that stimulate the realization of the power of the human mind, particular as a force of co-creation with the Universe itself... but primarily ideas for co-creating at a personal level for our personal dreams and ambitions to materialize. Not that there is anything wrong with financial and personal security, freedom and happiness. We are born to manifest joy!
My suggestion is this: How about we each individually put as much effort into co-creating a peaceful and joyful existence for us all to benefit from the power of manifestation - at a global level?
Thank heavens that there are some who, by connecting to the high level of service to humanity that they carry deep within their heart, they work around the clock. Some work through in prayer, meditation and mediation to bring about a change. To anchor whatever the Light is. Others strive to heal the wounded planet by working at environmental issues. Some to save our rapidly dying animal species from slaughter. Thousands go to work in medicine and education, enlightening and empowering others. And again thank heavens we have millions of people who are genuinely loving and generous of spirit who, seemingly without even a sprinkling of knowledge of how much good they do, go about their daily business treating others gently, or as 'salt of the earth' types - no nonsense but fair and honest in their dealings. Every one in their way 'doing their bit' for society, the best way, naturally.
I'm off now to do my bit.......... think I'll feed the birds!
With Love,
Have a wonderful - if challenging - 2009. May it bring to your part of the world you love, abundant health and peace.
Even with the news as it is; war, turmoil, devastation and destruction of the human world in which we continue to kill, wound, torment, tear apart and compete for power... and it sometimes feels painfully as if many of us can do nothing but watch.
It is the opportunity of change that brings a happy new year because the idea that we can do nothing is simply not true! The weakest of us can change once we believe we are able to, we can all do something to improve a small corner of our own world.
Do you know the story of the humming bird? I heard it at a Peace conference, years ago, and it stayed with me. Let me share it with you:
There was a forest fire, and all the animals, smelling the smoke, began to flee for their lives. Panic ensued as tigers, foxes, monkeys all ran to save their lives from the flames.
As one monkey swung through the trees he spotted a tiny bird hovering among the branches filling his beak with nectar from a flower. "Come on, come on, the fire is coming and you'll burn alive if you don't run too!" Shouted the monkey. But, the little bird filled his tiny beak, flew to the edge of the flames, dropped the nectar and flew back to the flower to fill his beak again. The monkey stopped for a moment to watch as the humming bird repeated the process again. "Come on, come on bird, what are you doing?"
"I can't run away", said the tiny humming bird, "I'm just doing my bit".
Some of us are politically motivated and write letters to parliament. Some may simply 'sound off' hot air to the newspapers or to friends.
From a spiritual perspective, if we profess to believing in angels and the notion of a universal connection between us all, then surely whatever we do at a state level we do to one another at a soul level. As some countries determine to overpower and destroy one another, and the planet at the same time, we are surely damaging life itself.
We have a paradox here ... as on the one hand we are profoundly aware of the darkening fear and lack of love in the world at a political and international level and yet, on the other, we are pursuing the ideas expressed in books and films like 'The Secret' busily teaching ourselves how to co-create financial and material abundance. Great ideas that stimulate the realization of the power of the human mind, particular as a force of co-creation with the Universe itself... but primarily ideas for co-creating at a personal level for our personal dreams and ambitions to materialize. Not that there is anything wrong with financial and personal security, freedom and happiness. We are born to manifest joy!
My suggestion is this: How about we each individually put as much effort into co-creating a peaceful and joyful existence for us all to benefit from the power of manifestation - at a global level?
Thank heavens that there are some who, by connecting to the high level of service to humanity that they carry deep within their heart, they work around the clock. Some work through in prayer, meditation and mediation to bring about a change. To anchor whatever the Light is. Others strive to heal the wounded planet by working at environmental issues. Some to save our rapidly dying animal species from slaughter. Thousands go to work in medicine and education, enlightening and empowering others. And again thank heavens we have millions of people who are genuinely loving and generous of spirit who, seemingly without even a sprinkling of knowledge of how much good they do, go about their daily business treating others gently, or as 'salt of the earth' types - no nonsense but fair and honest in their dealings. Every one in their way 'doing their bit' for society, the best way, naturally.
I'm off now to do my bit.......... think I'll feed the birds!
With Love,
Have a wonderful - if challenging - 2009. May it bring to your part of the world you love, abundant health and peace.
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