Wednesday 30 April 2008

Doublin the trips to Dublin!

Someone once said to me - a long time before the fears of global warming - that if God had wanted us to fly he would have given us wings... well ... , that might seem like a statement of the obvious, but for the numbers whizzing through the sky on any given second in any one of the thousands of aircraft carrying millions of us through the clouds from any one area of the globe to another. Thousands of people are taking to the skies in droves... I cannot seem to find any flight that is not packed to the gunnels with every seat taken. The world is not only getting warmer, and smaller but busier; flights cheaper, faster, easier.
For my part I am travelling to Ireland almost twice a month running workshops, talks, stands at events and promoting my new Home Study course. But, what about the footprint? How do I offset my growing foot!! I feel guilty but continue, and so it seems does every one else.
I compost, I recycle, I plant trees, I give to charity, I save water, but I still fly.
As far as I am aware, the type of work I am doing cannot be done via my astral body, in my sleep, and I just don't know the answer. Maybe I should keep rubbing my shoulder blades and see what happens... before it's too late!

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