Friday 6 February 2009

Hello there!
Hope you are warm and smiling...
What a week! A total slow down... and shutdown in many cases. A complete freeze up of our terrestrial communication links, just as the planet Mercury -( in charge of communication on many levels ) having been in a standstill position on the 1st of Feb moved forwards again.
It's all very interesting to me how in this scientific / secular age we often fail to notice the interconnectness between earthly and heavenly forces. The opportunities for change - in attitude and in circumstance both socially and personally are enormous.
Maybe I'm being romantic but I seem to remember that in the snowy winters of my childhood each household would sweep and salt the pavement in front of their home. Many would sweep and salt for others too.
In a co-op carpark near my village, which had turned into an ice-rink, an elderly man slipt and fell backwards as he bought his ticket from the pay and display machine. Fortunately for him I was standing behind him, caught him and we both slipped around as if dancing on ice! We laughed out loud, but this could have been a nasty accident. It wasn't thank goodness...... but no one had spread salt! Why? Because the council hadn't salted........... but couldn't the supermarket staff ?
Hm, 'Elf' and safety! Oh how sad.
Driving home cautiously I smiled at all of the judgements running through my head. I called the council to find out where the village salt bin was and with my plastic carrier trundled along to fetch and sprinkle in the road beside my cottage. Goody two shoes? Goodness no!........... but I did feel a prod in the conscience/backside about criticising others for something I had not done myself!
Cold as it is, mayhem causing as it might be... there is a wonderful stillness and such a 'brightness' in the light from the snow. Let it speak to you..... feel the peace and take the opportunity to breathe... for a while.
Lots of love

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